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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I ended up living close to but not right at the street referred to as hooker alley. I walked past there today when coming home from watching the rugby. 12.30 in the afternoon and there were plenty of ladies out working. And as to what I get up to, usually nothing too bad but sometimes I just get a horrible nagging feeling that I behaved badly or did something wrong. I can't shift it until I've spoken to as many people as possible who I had been with to try and clear my mind.
  2. Lou Reed is (okay perhaps I should say was) fucking awesome.
  3. Do you have the guilts? I can get through the physical aspects of a hangover ok just by ignoring the world and not moving. It's the guilt and paranoia which really do me.
  4. And now it's 4 FRIDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL!!!
  5. Having a cold. I seem to have attracted one today. What makes it worse is that the odd violent sneeze is really aggravating my sore ribs after I hurt them a few weeks ago.
  6. *I whip out my cock and begin to jerk it ferociously*
  7. Hank was annoying in that period. especially because he kept making Marie cry and she has the most awful crying face.
  8. Skylar isn't so bad in season 4 but dubya should definitely be hating her with all his might right now. I think you'll find Marie hasn't been annoying lately because she hasn't been in it very much.
  9. Yes you are. If you didn't, you'd be doing it wrong.
  10. Ace was the man who I earlier today saw playing a bandit and won over 170 quid. Then as all the coins came tumbling out he took a step outside for a cigarette and waited for the money to stop coming. he actually a won a similar amount again just a little bit later, the bastard.
  11. Don't give a fuck about the office. Community is brilliant however I'm not sure if I'll enjoy this season as much watching it week by week. It was really good as a chain watching show.
  12. They want a guy with a bigger than asian cock but are too racist to go with a black guy. The only answer. Love has nothing to do with it. Not in a single case.
  13. What do you propose? Football associations controlling what journalists can and can't ask / print? Agents are almost always the problem and in some cases cheeky directors. Players only talk about something once a story is out there and that's because once the story is out journos wont stop until they get some player to talk about it.
  14. What's the point of an Asian if they're not sub-serviant?
  15. I'll be damned if Stirling Bridge doesn't count as a grand slam.
  16. I hate it when I miss the deleted stuff. They're the best bits.
  17. My original post was rubbish so I don't have much to evaluate. Of course I haven't been doing more exercise, well actually I probably was for a little while but it's stopped. I did make a decision on whether to move or not though. I attained a new feeling of being settled in the first few months of the year and I'm very happy living here. Credit Card finally got paid off but built up again. I do have the money to get it back to 0 though so I consider this a plus. In general it's been a very good year.
  18. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Die Hard. I couldn't really have it on my list because I'm an idiot and only watched it for the first (and second) time quite recently but it seems like the kind of film fans watch over and over. edit - nevermind Moose did have it in his list.
  19. Remember he and his wife also performed a concert recently that was only audible to dogs.
  20. Good shout on the Bourne films. I'd always be up for watching those.
  21. Spanish TV, my god it's shit. I just saw a man do an awful Bono performance on a Stars in their Eyes type show.
  22. I'm going to find my wife on punkmatch. I just know it.
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