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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I'm already on to season 6 of The Shield. It's great. Fantastic addictive viewing. I've started on Parks & Rec too. I'm a couple of eps into season 2. Not going through it quite so quickly though.
  2. I'd feel like a dick phoning in sick though. Someone else would have to take my students into their class. Which would be quite confusing seeing as this is the first day of the year for these classes. And I've just had 6 weeks holiday. I can probably push myself to teach for 3 hours.
  3. Back to pet hates. Going back to work after holidays. I've never felt less enthusiastic.
  4. I got that. I twisted your meaning because I'm a top quality jokester.
  5. Thread revival! For this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0HCeBo2rV4 Although to be honest I'm having an inner conflict as to whether this actually may be the best thing I've ever heard.
  6. Yes, the two of them are about equal size.
  7. Nothing little about my bollocks ye geebag.
  8. I didn't see any of the champions league this week or any footy at the weekend either. The season's only just begun. I should be sacrificing all my social life in order to watch every match possible. I'll need to sort it out this weekend. Sunday's premiership card looks very tasty. Anyway this week I'm just very grateful for the existence of footytube.
  9. I'm just a coward and only pick on someone who is already down..... ....and makes bad jokes
  10. But Hockey games are universally awesome. At least they were back when I played video games. I hope they haven't moved on to actually being about hockey rather than fighting and pushing people through glass windows.
  11. This thread is deadly, exactly why I post on Ab-Music. A great bit of craic. Although I suspect Jake B is a bit of a knacker.
  12. Get pirate copies of everything you want and spend the money you save on booze, drugs and cheap women!
  13. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/feb/03/pub-landlady-premier-league-television-rights?intcmp=239
  14. That's shit. Aberdeen really should be getting more cheap flight routes, not losing them. Edit - bloody loads of posts appeared in the time it took me to post this!
  15. Definitely a good move for him. He's lost his pace somewhat but I think the French league will suit him. Plus it's always nice to see an English player actually try his luck abroad.
  16. I went to Italy on a school trip when I was about 14. Seeing one of those papers in person was a great moment for me.
  17. You did. It had all the fun banter too. Like Attilio Lombardo dancing the lombada and
  18. When football italia was on there was the live game on a sunday and a round up of the previous week on a saturday morning. One part of that was always James reviewing the weeks papers while he was sat at a cafe in a plaza in rome or milan etc. He always had some kind of giant kind of ice cream sundae in front of him. One of the main footie papers in italy, gazzetta dello sport, is pink. This seemed amazing ot me as a child. He keeps the spirit alive now with a european paper review which goes up on the guardian site most fridays. However it's not in some fancy italian cafe but a studio at the guardian offices and he has cake not ice cream
  19. Nothing will ever beat James Richardson with a big ice-cream and his pink newspaper. Not even a super multi-lingual robot voice speaking to kalou about fish.
  20. but what kind of dessert did the presenter eat?
  21. Paranoid Android


    I watched most of the Steelers - Ravens match on sunday. I enjoyed it. The result was quite surprising as the Steelers are one of the few teams I'd heard of.
  22. Serie a does seem to be making a bit of a comeback into fashionable circles. Napoli and Udinese doing well and playing good footy last year helped a lot i think. It fell out of favour when la liga was awesome in the early 2000's when in addition to the big two sides like Valencia and Deportivo were right at the top and doign well in europe. It's not surprising that now the level of competition has decreased attention will drift away to other leagues again. The saturday morning gazzetta round up show is still the best footie show I've ever watched. No better way to start the weekend.
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