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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Future Sex / Love Sounds is one of my fave pop albums. From track 1 - 7 is pretty much perfect. Downhill a little after that but still very good. First album has some cracking songs too.
  2. yeah there isn't any need for it to be in this thread. Lucky's post has led me to watching loads of his vids on youtube too. This performance is awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGB3Kk26mGQ
  3. Wish that guy would stop this acting malarky and get a move on with his 3rd album.
  4. Only apple thing I've ever had is my ipod which has always worked fine. I bought it because there was nothing else out there with the same capacity.
  5. Oh yeah:( I liked those shorts. Wore them all the time. I've been sleeping so much today. It's going to be impossible to get to sleep at a decent time tonight. Not ace-ic.
  6. Thankfully I'd left my bank cards cards at home and I couldn't have had much cash on me. She only got a pretty shity phone.
  7. She wouldn't stop when I said no...
  8. Always worth a try but I doubt it.
  9. He probably wanted your shorts. Good job standing up to the dick head.
  10. Yesterday was an ace-ic day but sadly one with some pet hates thrown in at the end. I went to an all day pool party here sun was shining, awesome location, loads of great techno DJ's beautiful girls all over the place. Ended up at a bar afterwards and I met a nice girl and got her phone number. Great day up until that point. However I can't remember what happened next and somehow I ended up in a random train station at 5am not wearing my shorts. Lost my phone, wallet and keys.
  11. I think my fave bit is when he bumps into his ex gf on a date.
  12. If Argerntina could kick they'd be beating England by about a million points right now.
  13. Well I've definitely looked at girls and thought they've had very attractive skin before. Nicely tanned. But yeah bad fake tans are shit.
  14. I don't think I've even bothered to sign any of the bank cards I currently have.
  15. Just caught the last half hour of this. Easy for the all blacks as expected. Good RWC joy of six in the gaurdian today http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/blog/2011/sep/09/rugby-world-cup-joy-six
  16. Not being able to edit your old posts has been a pet hate of mine on this site for a long time . It makes drunk posting so much riskier.
  17. Paranoid Android


    I've decided to get into NFL. I know really nothing about it but I've become interested after watching Friday Night Lights. It might be really lame to get into a sport through a Highschool tv drama but I wont let that stop me. Any tips on good places to watch games online? Also tell me which team to support!
  18. Doesn't seem to be any real reports suggesting it, but a search brought up a couple of Rangers sites where the rumour is mentioned.
  19. Has the evening express decided to turn themselves into a version of this thread? "Our reporting of local news is shit, so let's just publish loads of ridiculous stories from the US."
  20. The best part about that is definitely
  21. A browser that prevents Jake from tweeting his thoughts to the world? The debate may have just been won!
  22. Maybe something a bit different thrown in the middle would have been good. Good mix though, I enjoyed it, good job. I'm starting to think about my next one but perhaps making this fortnightly rather than weekly would be more realistic?
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