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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Karma Tsunami's mix Girls Girls Girls The theme should be obvious. First track My Bloody Valentine - Only Shallow. Long time favourite of mine. The album is wonderful and this is a clear standout track. Great way to start the mix. If you don't know this, sort yourself out. Moving on to PJ Harvey - The whores hustle and the hustlers whore. I got into PJ this year when I fell in love with Let England Shake. I investigated some of her previous work and found it all pretty great. This track is another great choice. This mix is 2 for 2. Patti Smith Group - Gloria: In Excelsis Deo. Patti Smith is one of those acts I'd always been aware of but just never listened to. Turns out that was a mistake. This track starts off nice enough, nothing attention grabbing but the pace picks up and it all builds into something awesome by the end. Love this. Sleater Kinney - What's mine is yours. I mainly know of Sleater Kinney through Karma Tsunami talking about them on here but I'm not sure if I've ever actually heard a track of theirs. They sound kind of like I imagined they would, nice track. Now here's an advert for a George Micheal gig at the Palau sant Jordi. Spoiled the girls theme a bit. George doesn't really care for girls at all. Helium - Baby's going underground. Never heard of this group at all. Nice guitar riff and some gentle vocals. I like it but it would have been much more to my taste a few years ago. It's going on a bit longer than it needs to really. Not bad but my least favourite of the tracks so far. Lemuria - Lipstick. don't know this group either. Seems to be the same sort of indie stuff as the last track. They sound quite 90's to me but Spotify tells me I'm wrong. Much more recent than that. Team Dresch - Council. This track has a bit more bit to it than the last couple. I like it. You might have realised I'm rubbish at describing / reviewing music. I'm running out of things to say really. I like this though. Ad time again. Some Barcadi sponsored club night. More tempting than george michael at least. Anni Rossi - Wheelpusher. The best way I can describe this is that it sounds like it could be used on one of those annoyingly twee mobile phone ads. But it's not really that bad. Not my thing really. The Breeders - Happiness is a warm gun. Beatles cover obviously. and obviously a good song. Lets see what this version is like. Pretty pretty good. But still it makes me want to listen to The Beatles and not The Breeders Olympic Swimmers - I wont sleep. For whatever reason I don't have much to say about this. The song has just finished and I can't remember what it sounded like. Slant 6 - What kind of monsters are you? Nice rocking track here. I got a bit distracted trying to remember the previous track and thinking of something to say but I did like this. Le Tigre - Deceptacon. I love this track. It's perfect. I was a bit surprised to see it as the closer but really it's great to listen to any time. I can listen to this over and over and over. It's wonderful. Excellent end to the mix. Overall a very good mix. A couple of tracks that didn't do much for me but nothing bad and most were at least good and at best awesome. The highlight was probably Patti Smith as of the artists here I'd not heard before she is the one I will certainly listen to a lot more after this.
  2. I'm still traumatised by the break up of Jake and his gf. I need to know why it happened. I need closure. If a laptop is to blame. It will pay big time.
  3. Just going to leave this here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCbwXqoJGuo
  4. Without ca_gere the North American branch of ab-music collapses. He's crucial!
  5. Try listening to dance music that is even more banging!
  6. Are you sure that was because of the time of day and not your choice in film?
  7. Thee Oh Sees are wonderful. They were the opening track on the mix I sent to K.T
  8. This should be the link to my mix Karma Tsunami reviewed http://open.spotify.com/user/aberdeenjames/playlist/1MxQXymYfvOkXu2aCketgr
  9. hope my lame joke didn't go unnoticed.
  10. Earnshaw. The only player to have scored a hat-trick in the top 4 English divisions and the FA cup, League cup and international football.
  11. Listen to more! She's lovely. This blog about her approach to music should be enough to help fall in love. http://florrie.com/home/2011/7/21/florrie-explanations-experiments.html Check these tracks if you haven't already and Awesome track from one of my fave hip hop albums ever. Everyone, listen to Aquemini. It's a must. I always liked their first album but never anything more than recently I all of a sudden clicked with their other stuff. The second album, "Open Season". (which the track is from) is especially awesome. FUCK YEAH you should love girls aloud. Awesome group. Track is from "What Will the Neighbours Say" but "Tangled Up" is the best. Pop Perfection. Ha! This album continuously treads this balance. Interesting hip hop beats with chavvy trance. Listen more, it will get under your skin. It might be my fave album of the year. Definitely best pop. She's just so wonderful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOLGE6yn7oY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBZ5Le07dcU Thanks for the overall positive review. I'll get my review of yours up tomorrow. Please make a mix of pop music for me at any time. This place really needs a pop thread.
  12. Not seen Yes Man. Love the book though. Love Dany Wallace (and Dave Gorman) in general. Best eyes go to Keira Knightly
  13. oh, that's the film. It was quite annoying. Was she the Juno girl too? or someone else? This however is brilliant.
  14. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL we can do it. we'll beat Spain win the tournament etc etc
  15. but for calling me one of the best people
  16. I saw the one of. And refuse to accept her on the same level. Mainly because I'm not entirely sure who she is but I think I probably saw her in some indie wanting to be arthouse film once.
  17. Congrats. Getting engaged must be awesome.
  18. Surfer Rosa's sounds quite groovy I still need to listen to mine properly. I don't now if Karma has listened to the one I sent her much yet. She was having problems accessing the site, dunno if it got sorted out.
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