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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I got interrupted earlier so I haven't listened to all my mix yet. Flight's mix for Dave would have pleased me. Losts of tracks I really like on there. I'll have to check out the ones I haven't heard.
  2. yeah best song but for the visual side nothing will top Hargreaves training like a fanny.
  3. Dave is right. They need sorted.
  4. . Ouch. I can just imagine the guilty feeling you had the day after. It can be pure torture. I've never invaded a stage when drunk though. You must be extremely evil.
  5. I'm listening to the mix I got just now. started off very well. I was going to do a track by track review but I can't be arsed. I'll write something once I've finished it all.
  6. Sentences don't get much better than that. Amazing.
  7. I posted about this the other day but I'm going to do it again. Flat hunting sucks!
  8. I thought it had a lot of promise but overall found Boardwalk Empire to be quite disappointing. It focused on the story lines and characters which didn't really. interest me. There should have been lots more screen time for and especially
  9. recieved it, I'll listen tomorrow. Most of what I've been listening to lately has been with female vocals so hopefully this hits the spot.
  10. I'm going to try and not look properly at the tracklist of the one I get before listening to it. Keep some surprises for the listening experience.
  11. Cool. I'm happy with Karma T, think there's a good chance I'll like a lot of her mix and she wont hate everything on mine. Away to send my PM.
  12. Sadly I don't think it was live commentary of the whole match. I think he was just giving reports at different stages throughout the match. He did at least once have to say that there had been a goal but he had no idea what happened or who scored it.
  13. I would have been very happy to get a mix with Bonnie Prince Billy on it. Even if the other tracks were all doom and sludge. Can't believe he's not on there.
  14. Thanks, I was being blind and didn't see it somehow. Probably because all the colours are blending into one on this new design.
  15. Little Spanish football anecdote. Yesterday I was chatting to a guy I know who works for a Radio station covering Barca. At the moment there's a dispute going on between the league and radio stations. The league are saying that radio stations now need to pay loads of money for the rights to report from inside grounds (it used to be just TV companies had to pay). So at the moment all radio stations are banned from league grounds. Last week my mate had to report on a Barca B match in the second division. He had to go to a block of flats across from the ground and buzz all the falts to find someone who would let him report from their balcony. So he ended up in some old lady's flat giving reports on a match he could only see half of the pitch. I just find the image absolutely hilarious.
  16. Is there a way to return to the current forum without having to scroll back to the top of the page.
  17. I know how you feel. I'd be pretty gutted if I lost half my posting material too. Change is always annoying. Even good changes can be a pain in the arse. I'm looking for a new flat right now. I want a new flat but I still can't be bothered with the searching. Annoyingly the friend I'm going to move in with is in England on holiday right now so I have all the responsibility.
  18. And have I missed something? What happened to your world famous gf?
  19. Oh fuck, the word trap isn't making a come back is it? I thought it died in the playgrounds of 1996? I thought you were older than 19 but I've never seen your face. Is i.b.s common in teenagers?
  20. The draw will be revealed tomorrow, right? The excitement is almost too much.
  21. Signatures are back. And I appear to have one to an expired website that used to campaign for Claudio Ranieri to be kept as Chelsea boss. I was obviously right. Getting rid of him and hiring Mourinho was an awful decision. Didn't work at all. edit - although if i am viewing the board without being logged in I don't see it and there doesn't appear to be any place to edit it. What's going on with this?
  22. They serve food and it's awesome!
  23. I found a shop here that sells cans of irn-bru for 1 euro. Half the price of the only other shop I knew of before and it's in a place I'm more likely to pass.
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