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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. There's been some great pop albums this year. The latest one I've enjoyed is by Firefox AK. Fans of Lykke Li will probably like this. Firefox AK - Boom Boom Boom - YouTube
  2. For some reason I really hope City get drawn with either Barca or Madrid today. It would be quite cool if City and Dortmund got put together too. A group with those two plus any pot 1 and 2 sides would be cracking.
  3. yeah the Guardian are saying they've made a bid of 22m for him Arsne Wenger makes 22m bid for Rennes midfielder Yann M'Vila | Football | The Guardian
  4. I can't remember the end of the series really but at the start of the film Simon and Carly seem to have been together for a while if that answers the question.
  5. Arsenal actually bidding lots of money for a player!
  6. The Carling cup has been great the last couple of years. The early couple of rounds are shit and quite pointless though/ But the closing rounds have been better than the FA cup of late.
  7. Hey Nef C, shut the fuck up and stop complaining.
  8. I read that the other day, great interview, very interesting read.
  9. Saw the Inbetweeners movie tonight. Anyone who likes the tv show should like this. Very funny.
  10. If Liverpool sneak into the Champions League I'll stop liking football. (or maybe just be very pissed off for a while)
  11. I haven't worn a tie in years because I'm a cool muthafucka .....and I'm not Pep Guardiola
  12. Wait, weren't the gallows a band that were slightly popular about 7/8 years ago?
  13. I've been perplexed by how many shirts I've seen with the top button done up over the past few weeks I've been back in the uk. What the hell is going on and who is responsible for this awful trend?
  14. I'm with you. Like I hate it when people call soft drinks 'soda' or insult someone by calling them a 'jerk' I know your username is a song title or something i know that means this post is pointless
  15. Not being able to rep this makes me so so very sad. It's just madness isn't it. I guess he's won everything there is to get really but it still really feels like a left field move. Especially as in the past he has reacted strongly to racism from crowds. I went to todders tonight. That's me seen a victory in my last 3 visits. They should fly me in on a private jet as a mascot each game. really we should have thrashed them 5-0 but we stopped playing good football after the first 20 mins and there were some real dire passages of long ball play at times.
  16. If you're already fucking around here why go to NY?
  17. Did you manage to react to that with actual real words? I probably would have mumbled / turned red / laughed / ran away.
  18. It'll be a very interesting match tomorrow with Arsenal. I think Udinese will probably end up regretting not getting the away goal in the first leg but they could really worry Arsenal.
  19. Promotional video from Getafe football club. Listeners to football weekly will have heard about it. The "plot" of it is that Getafe have very few fans, they need fans to donate sperm to create more. And to ensure a person is a true fan they have to get off while watching a special film they've made called "Getafe Hot zombies". This almost makes up for the awful BK logo on their shirts.
  20. I think Harry saw a bit on SSN about de Gea and made his game plan to shoot from distance the whole match.
  21. Last couple of episodes of Breaking Bad have been great. This little speech from Walt was awesome. "Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly-up, disappears. It ceases to exist without me! No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!"
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