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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Think I might have mentioned it once. I didn't know either until a friend of mine went to see him in Edinburgh and put a picture of himself next to pat up on facebook.
  2. The early season 1 episodes are quite strange to watch again with it being so much about Jeff and Britta. 1 probably just has the edge due to the novelty factor it had. The overall standard remained for season 2 though. I'm pretty optimistic they can do another good season or two. I hope they sort out Pierce a bit for this season though. His character became too extreme and just annoying for my liking towards the end of the last season. Hopefully Omar show's him what's what. Or maybe John Goodman will give him a lesson in what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass. I wonder if they'll do a wire inspired episode with Omar. Involving surveillance of some kind.
  3. I would have went for something more like this.
  4. That is great news. Season 2 did have more weak episodes than the first season but it was still great overall. The clip show towards the end of the season was also fantastic.
  5. Oh man you have so much to look forward to. As well as the greatness of The Wire Deadwood is turning out to be awesome as well. I've just finished season 2. Great stuff. I'm watching last night's curb right now. This season has started off amazingly.
  6. Robert Knight, who is the nice lady in your new avatar?
  7. I read about this. Amazing news. I'm very excited for the next season now.
  8. Don't think I've seen anyone do this.
  9. People keep talking about how disrespectful some of the comments are here and on facebook etc but at least in here I don't think there's been anything that bad. At least I can't remember anything that would count as "worrying".
  10. Yeah I knew what you meant. I was just giving myself a cheeky giggle. And I've only ever seen 1 full episode of Lost.
  11. I bet you licked your plate clean just to get a taste of that sweet greasy pork goodness. boom boom
  12. Hopefully Breaking bad never becomes as bad as lost.
  13. Sunday nights. So the second episode of season 4 airs tonight. Waking up on Monday mornings is much better with the prospect of new Breaking Bad and Curb your Enthusiasm.
  14. 21 years is the maximum sentence that can be given. But it is also possible for a sentence to be extended for periods of 5 years if he is still considered dangerous / a threat to society. So in theory it is possible for him to remain imprisoned for the rest of his life.
  15. I just noticed the difference too. Staley came up when I searched for Layne Stanley so I assume that is who he meant.
  16. Oh ok, thanks. Didn't know him. [edit] I had heard of the band obv.
  17. I've had very little appear on facebook about it. Win.
  18. Anyone want to fill me in. It's bugging me.
  19. I wasn't suggesting it was surprising or new for them. But still jumping the gun labelling it an al-qaeda attack and their 9/11 is on the bad end of even their scale. Even worse when it takes up less space than those two vitally important ads above it.
  20. This is fucking mental. Awful stuff. Some of the descriptions of what it was like at the summer camp are absolutely horrible. And how fucking terrible is The Sun? http://i.imgur.com/BJSjH.jpg
  21. The only time I've been to Little Italy it was pretty mediocre. That was a few years ago though.
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