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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. The Apprentice is (was) awesome. This series has been pretty pants. Still it's the only British show I'm keeping up with at the moment. And why does it take some girls so fucking long to reply to text messages. Don't pretend you've only just seen it. You're always looking at your phone, you know it's been there for hours.
  2. It looks like they are preparing to go with operation put the ball on Carroll's head. Liverpool will finish outside the top 4 again this year.
  3. I will see this in the cinema but probably not until next weekend. I generally enjoy all the films and DH part 1 was one of the best ones so I'm looking forward to this. And I've not read the books so it's all new to me.
  4. Compared to Liverpool every team is getting bargains.
  5. no love at all, just being ignored
  6. They played 14 songs and 6 of them were from TKOL, 2 unreleased tracks from the same recording period and 6 older tracks. It seems like a perfectly normal balance for a band with a new album out. Again if people aren't interested in their latest material they surely have to accept that by going to a gig they risk seeing songs they don't like.It seems like common sense. If I liked less than a bands output I probably wouldn't bother going to see them. As for your opinion on the album, well as you say it's just your opinion, it's still their latest work the album obviously going to be focused on at gigs. Personally I'd rate it as their 4th best after Kid A, Ok Computer and Amnesiac. Their only recent public activity has been the Glasto performance and the From The Basement broadcast. Jay Electronica said the other day that he was playing a gig with them in August. But he also said that David Bowie sang on his album and Bowie has just come out to say it's not true.
  7. I'd really like to believe that most people at Glastonbury didn't spend a significant amount of time checking twitter on their iphone / blackberry but sadly I can't. (ok I do accept that the setlist being out there argument is a bit silly) But still why anyone would expect to see a set made up of material from their earliest few albums just baffles me. The pulp comparison is a bit off too. Pulp had spent years in active and are in the middle of a reunion tour playing solely old material. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying Radiohead's performance was great. I've watched the videos at times it was pretty bad. I just don't accept that playing material from their latest albums is in anyway self-indulgent or that this performance should be looked on in the same way as a headlining slot on the main stage.
  8. Whether these "most people" care about their post okc work or not is irrelevant. If you don't like the majority of a band's output don't expect to go to a gig and get a set you like. I don't really understand how anything about their set is self indulgent. An hour set is less than half the stage time they played in 97 or 2003. By playing a set on the park stage it was obvious that they hadn't prepared a standard festival greatest hits set. And yes news of their appearance was public knowledge early in the day and anyone who was searching online for info was also able to find out what the set list was hours before.
  9. Well they weren't headliners or playing on one of the main stages. They played a "surprise" short set on a small stage. And if people don't care about The King of Limbs then they probably don't care about any of their work from the last 12 years so they shouldn't really bother getting excited.
  10. Glastonbury set was quite dodgy in places. They definitely seemed rusty. Although the press reaction appeared to be much more negative than fan reaction. These from the basement performances are really great though.
  11. They wont let me. That's the problem
  12. I'm going to go super original here. Girls. They can fuck off.
  13. I don't see why they should spoil your memory of the original. Especially if you decide not to watch it. Remakes aren't made to stop people from watching the original but because there are some people who just wont watch the original, whether through their own aversion to foreign cinema or a lack of awareness.
  14. Good.So I wasn't the only one. Though I was going mad for a moment.
  15. I didn't hate on this enough at first. Every time I hear this I become more and more baffled by how awful it is.
  16. The Korean one is still going to be there. No one will stop you from watching it.
  17. I don't have any either cool t. Let's be friends!!!
  18. MP3: DOOM/STARKS (MF DOOM and Ghostface Killah) – “Victory Laps” (Madvillainz Remix) | One Thirty BPM
  19. This is pretty great. Accidental Chinese Hipsters
  20. I would also like to know the answers to these questions.
  21. Curb Your Enthusiasm is back! Season 8 started last night and it was a really great episode.
  22. Some Like It Hot - Incredibly funny. I'm always a little worried with old classics that their reputations have grown way beyond what the film is really deserving of and especially with comedies there's often a sense that you have to be aware of the context of the time etc etc. But this was just damn fucking funny. I haven't laughed out loud so much at a film in ages. 9.5/10 Ratatouille - A pixar film that for some reason I'd never got around to seeing and always had the impression it was one of their weaker efforts. I was glad to be proved wrong. A cracking little film. Very entertaining with everything a Pixar film should have.8.5/10
  23. You heard it here first. Pret A Manger is a GREAT place. I don't know if the citizens of Aberdeen will be able to handle the excitement.
  24. Feral so sooooooooooooo good. YouTube - ‪Radiohead - Feral (From The Basement)‬‏
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