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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. So the From The Bassment performance was broadcast for the first time tonight on Spanish TV. A user on atease has managed to capture it and get it up on youtube. It's not the highest quality but more than good enough. Here is Bloom YouTube - ‪Radiohead - Bloom (From The Basement)‬‏ The rest of the songs have been uploaded / are being uploaded tonight to that channel. I've only watched this one track so far but it was excellent.
  2. haha, I saw that as well.
  3. New York Trilogy is great. I should read that again soon. If you feel like some more Auster after this you should get a hold of Book of Illusions. It's fabulous and my favourite thing of his I've read by far.
  4. I enjoy it more and more with every listen.
  5. Yeah I have high hopes, I tried to go one night last summer but arrived after it had sold out. Got tickets in advance this time to avoid the same mistake.
  6. I'm going to an open air cinema tonight in the grounds of a castle. There's a concert before it and you can take in all the booze and food you like. Only 5 euros. The film tonight is Some Like it Hot, which I've never seen but have wanted to. I think I might be playing Volleyball at the beach on Sunday. I haven't played volleyball since school and I was shit then. I'm just hoping there will be one person worse than me.
  7. You should be sorry for having watched up to season 14
  8. They're always up to no good. We should stage a coup. Give real thread rating democracy to the people.
  9. Yeah that is probably the worst part about the final episode. The end of season montages are always great. Best part of the final episode has to be That was for Joe!
  10. I really need to listen to Bon Iver again. I think I've only heard it once. It suffered from coming out about the same time as the arctic monkeys.
  11. Right now I'm really enjoying Andy Stott - Passed Me By (The Bass!!!)and featured in my avatar Nadia Oh - Colours YouTube - ‪Jump Out The Window‬‏ The Arctic Monkeys are still getting a lot of listening time just now too.
  12. I had a pretty major thing spoiled for me about the wire once. On Bebo of all places! So I don't mind using the spoilers just now. Of course I would have liked to have seen an ass kicking major crimes unit take Marlo down. It would have been exciting but the way they did, sticking with the shows ethos has given us something much stronger that is worth watching again and again. Saying all that season 5 is clearly my least favourite, still great though. At least we got a happy ending for Bubs which partly balanced out the depressing / disappointing endings for many other characters.
  13. It told me I have already voted too!! IT'S A CONSPIRACY!
  14. I'm watching a kids/ poker face vid on youtube now. Yeah I'd much rather see this at a show than PA. River's vocals are much more suited to these songs.
  15. Well their paranoid android cover was awful and but Poker face / kids would suit weezer more and are better for singing along / dancing to if you're not a fan of the originals. Teenage dirtbag is just a shit song, so no reason to play it.
  16. Why does this thread only have a 1 star rating????
  17. Right, the disappointment after the hope of something better was what so much of season 5 was about. The whole problem really came from Carcetti not being the white knight we wanted to believe he was but just another politician. Him "leaving the money on the table" at the end of season 4 was a clear indication the police department's problems wouldn't be solved and there certainly would be no pay raises. And McNulty's return to his old ways just reinforced what we'd been shown before that he was incapable of doing that particular job and lead a content life at the same time. And it does seem strange using spoiler tags for a show that has been completely finished for a few years.
  18. Is Dwight Yorke retired? I'd definitely expect him to be picking up a nice pay packet in Saudi Arabia or somewhere.
  19. Out of interest, did you follow The Sopranos on tv or watch it on boxsets? All of my favourite shows I've watched in short intense periods on dvd. I can only imagine what it would have been like watching the final episode of The Sopranos / The Wire after watching it all from the start over 6/5 years. As for the killing of people like Bodie, I really don't think the show could have been done any other way. It seemed to be one of the main messages that almost everyone who gets in the game will end up dead or in prison. Bodie's death was one of the saddest moments though, his whole character arc is so great.
  20. They'd be better than the covers they did play! At least they'd be a bit of fun.
  21. Recuerdos. Te acuerdas de los recuerdos? Souvenirs. Vous souvenez-vous des souvenirs? Emlkek. Emlkszel az emlkek?
  22. I'm reading one of Murakami's short story collections, Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman. So far it's been quite a mixed bag, some I've really liked and others that have just left me puzzled.
  23. I'll be in Aberdeen in just over 3 weeks time. It would be nice if there is anything still open when I get there. Am I going to find Union street something like this?
  24. "Stay tuned for their latest releases and upcoming internationally written album, Oceans Apart" the fuck is this? He wrote some lyrics in departures waiting for his ryanair flight back from Dublin?
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