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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Hmm I have a google account but not a gmail account. I really don't know what the google account is for.
  2. Kanye track from the MBDTF sessions. Although it has a older kanye sound to it. Great track. MP3: Kanye West – “Mama’s Boyfriend” | One Thirty BPM
  3. My numbers should be saved on google somewhere? I have a google account just because the phone asked me for one i think. I don't ever use it. Where would i go to view these contacts?
  4. People who haven't watched The Wire yet really should be watching The Wire and not posting. I'm going to check out "The Shadow Line"
  5. Losing my phone. Knowing it was my fault for getting too drunk. As a result also losing the number of a girl I just met on Saturday. HATE HATE HATE No more words with friends either as I could only afford to replace it with a really shitty phone just now.
  6. Golden era simpsons is my no.2.
  7. I can't wait until the final episode. I'm hoping for something big with the dothraki. And for more of the younger daughter again.
  8. They are also a group of people. More than one person.
  9. Haven't seen Oz but I'd recommend continuing with Breaking Bad. It's gets even better. Comparing it to books and films is silly really but I just love the wire that much.
  10. I'd put the wire above every other tv show, film and book ever made.
  11. what the fuck! Goffrey is a cunt
  12. I've only just started Deadwood so I can't really compare but the answer has to be The Wire. I'd love to be able to watch it all with the first time feeling again. Even still it's great on re-watches too.
  13. I've never been to their bar or even tried one of their beers but I've read a few things lately which make me think the guys running brewdog are dickheads.
  14. Paranoid; Which part are you talking about in S.3? I was on the edge of my seat the whole way through. Jake this scene YouTube - ‪Breaking Bad - 3x12 - Half Measures - Final Scene‬‏the first time round I was so tense about what was about to happen with Jessie it was a complete shock when walt comes in like that.
  15. It's great. For me not highest level top tier great. Which for drama is The Wire, Mad Men, The Sopranos and Twin Peaks. But Breaking Bad might just be as good as it gets outside of that. Second season especially is great and the 3rd has the moment which probably made me jump higher out of my seat than any other scene in television history. Get through it quickly so you can enjoy season 4 when it starts in July. I've watched about 5 or 6 eps of Deadwood now and it is very good but I've yet to see exactly why it is rated so highly by some.
  16. So Young has gone to United then. And Martinez is staying at Wigan. Good man. I think most in his position would have jumped at the move but if you take any time to think about it going to Villa right now is obviously a bad move.
  17. Perhaps, although that's a different argument.
  18. Can't wait until the new season starts.
  19. Mad to say hip-hop has been bad for the last 10 years.
  20. I just read that RZA is only playing Glastonbury and not any of the other UK dates.
  21. It hasn't really hooked me yet but I still have to really give it a chance. Arctic Monkeys is still dominating my listening. That album is wonderful.
  22. Comments belowe news articles in general are generally awful.
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