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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I listened to this for the first time last night. Now I'm wondering what the hell I've been doing for 4 years since this came out. It's incredible. I can tell I'm going to spend a lot of time with this album Any fans of it around here? If not take a listen
  2. I'm not sure he even wants to be a head coach. He seems perfect for the no 2 role. He's great as an in studio pundit too no idea what happened to him when he sat in that co-commentators chair though. It was mental.
  3. One of my favourites from back when I really loved WWF. Very sad news.
  4. I didn't I was back home in my flat 2 mins after the game finished. Getting Guus would make accept the decision to fore Carlo. I expect it will be Villas-Boas though.
  5. I wonder if this post will later be used as evidence in court.
  6. I can't believe I haven't seen this before.
  7. Daily Mail in Shit Journalism Shocker
  8. I think he'd be a solid league 1 player.
  9. After 12,186 posts. It's over. Lucky has nothing left except to repeat himself.
  10. OK this isn't really a LOL picture, more of a WTF? deal. But I can't think of anywhere else to put it. edit - and another crazier one!
  11. That packaging is so awesome. I think I'd want it even if it wasn't a good album.
  12. It's pretty meh. If any girl told me that her favourite band was the smiths, I would run a mile. And I like the smiths.
  13. Arctic Boabies Sonic Boabie Boabie Collective Boabie Social Scene Boabie & the Heartmaker Ghostface Boabie The Black Boabies We Are Boabies
  14. Well obviously. Oh I found that comment odd at first but I've just realised that Cruz is in the new one. She is clearly the better actress and more attractive too. I've never had a problem with Knightly or Bloom anyway, not great actors sure but good enough for what they normally do.
  15. I don't understand why this would be offensive. Surely it would be more offensive to victims of serious rape that that crime is on the same level as a teenage couple having sex willingly.
  16. I expect to see the Champions League semi-final winning reserves rather than the struggled against crawley reserves. If it was away maybe but at Old Trafford I just can't see it happening.
  17. Ana Catarian Bezerra, Brazilian Woman, Legally Entitled To Masturbate At Work
  18. Sorry if this has been done, I skimmed these pages quickly. Oh Boabie, Where Art Thou?
  19. The man of the modern age doesn't read magazines on the shitter. He watches a funny youtube video on his poncy phone. Pootubing.
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