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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Blackburn are the only team in the fight that I really want gone. All the others have at least some reason I'd like to see them survive. Birmingham really is only for McLeish though. I wouldn't be that upset to see them go.
  2. I agree with some of the points you made while you went further than I would with some. Also my viewpoint is going to be different as I haven't followed them for as long as you have. I heard about them a bit throughout last year but only really started listening after Earl and Bastard appeared on end of year lists and already at that time media hype was starting to build. I listened a bit the early part of the year and then Yonkers came out and I'll admit that really made me interested. And also made me focus on Tyler more than the rest of the group. It wasn't until a bit later I gave the Earl album the attention it deserves and it became my favourite. Reaction to Goblin is definitely suffering from being judged against a tougher criteria than other OF releases. Suddenly potential is no longer enough for most people. It sounds as if I like Goblin more than you on the whole though. She, Tron Cat, Fish, Analog and Golden as well as Yonkers and Sandwiches as you mentioned are great tracks to me. I'd also disagree about Hodgy. I like his verses for the most part. Although I wish his delivery on record matched how great it was on the Fallon performance. I'd rate him above Domo. Although I admit that there is a lot i haven't heard or heard enough of both. The lyrics are a little tiresome. The amount written about them even more so. All I'll really say is that they don't bother me that much but yes I would like him to change to some different subject matter. The same goes for Earl. I'd like to think his seclusion period may lead him to taking a different approach with his lyrics in the future. As for being annoyed by their growing presence in the mainstream. They have music worth listening to and more people listening to it is a cool thing to me. Whether Yonkers has been out for 1 day, 6 months or 2 years. Granted that it is acceptable to want to punch anyone whose reaction the their OF discovery is to OF is to declare that Hip Hop has been saved, in the face.
  3. Blackpool wont win. Thankfully for them they could lose and stay up.
  4. I loved the first Pirates film but the sequels were a waste of time. I'll probably see the new one eventually. I had no idea Knighly and Bloom aren't in this one. That actually makes me less interested in it.
  5. I hope Wigan stay up. I'd love to see Blackburn go down. Especially after the ending of the united match.
  6. I'm with Ca_gere on this one. This kind of music really isn't something I like or am interested in so this video while I think it is terrible doesn't sound too different from other things I've heard that are supposed to be good. Highlighting that point I really don't know what the difference between a good growl and a horrid one is.
  7. Your second attempt is significantly better, in terms of execution rather than idea.
  8. Blu, who still has the album NoYork to come out this year, suddenly (out of the blu, hehe) put a short album called jesus up on bandcamp today. je s u s ? | b
  9. It's the modern world man. You've got to keep up. Computer chips placed in fingers are about to kill off all current music formats.
  10. But can you afford to eat yet?
  11. Yeah I imagine they catch this stuff quickly. It does mean however if you are so inclined that it will be out there to be found now. Also I imagine this could lead to the official release being brought forward, at least in a digital format.
  12. YouTube - Sideburns PITT THE ELDER! LORD PALMERSTON!
  13. Apparently the entire album appeared on iTunes this evening, as if by accident. Don't know if it's still up.
  14. Gospel According to Jesus Christ is absolutely fantastic. I just started re-reading "The Book of Illusions". It's probably my favourite Paul Auster.
  15. This thread is just making me want to ever see this film.
  16. This guy is on loan from Liverpool. YouTube - Mehdi Carcela KO ! ( Genk - Standard ) VIDEO CHOQUE Good to see he's already giving me reasons to dislike him. Edit - on that video you have to see some of the reaction first before getting a replay of the incident.
  17. From a Q+A with Neil Gaiman on the Guardian site.
  18. An insight into why his career hasn't been sparkling recently.
  19. Listen to a new Bon Iver track. Pitchfork: New Bon Iver: "Calgary" It's good.
  20. There is a feature article about Odd Future in the latest new yorker. You can download a pdf of it here earl.pdf It's a pretty good article but mostly a lot of stuff you could have read before. However the last couple of pages shed new light on the Earl situation. They itnterview his mum and through her they email some questions to earl himself. Interesting reading.
  21. oops, since I was still midway through the film at the time I didn't really get the reference of your previous post
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