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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. The honest answer is I don't really know. There hasn't been a National game held in Barcelona since I've lived here (it's very rare that they happen here) so I've never looked into myself. My best guess would be that it wouldn't be that difficult for a game like this to get tickets. Although I don't how big the stadium is or when the last time they played in Alicante was which would both have an affect. Regarding a point raised above. I'd definitely say there is a significant amount of Support of Man U in Aberdeen. Much more than for any other English team. And Ferguson is one of the reasons for that. I know loads of United fans in Aberdeen and most of their fathers are united fans too.
  2. This is brilliant. Pep Guardiola's Barcelona are better than Johan Cruyff's Dream Team | Sid Lowe | Football | guardian.co.uk The whole article is excellent but specifically I mean what is talked about in the first couple of paragraphs.
  3. Now the question is do you repeat the arriving late with facial piercing tactic for the next round?
  4. So does anyone believe Xavi will be playing for City next season? No, me neither. Today's other rumour however, Eto'o wouldn't be quite as surprising.
  5. I recommend "Thee Oh Sees" Awesome garage rock band band. Spotify descirbes them as "Sounding a bit like the mamas & the papas run through a seriously bent garage blender" Two great albums Help - Thee Oh Sees - Spotify The Master's Bedroom Is Worth Sp - Thee Oh Sees - Spotify or check out a song or two on youtube YouTube - Thee Oh Sees - Enemy Destruct YouTube - Thee Oh Sees - Two Drummers Disappear
  6. Not with an attitude like that they wont! *Insert angry smiley here, but one that is a little more sarcastic looking than is available on this site*
  7. People play Lacrosse in Aberdeen?
  8. I laughed out loud pretty much the whole time I was reading that post. Great little story [edit] this was in reference to Lucky's post obv. Adam's wasn't really laugh out loud funny or even a story.
  9. Confession: I wish I had been at the foam party in Liquid last night.
  10. I really wish so many football fans weren't such utter cunts.
  11. Don't correct the spelling in your quote! That just confused me!
  12. As I said it's been a while since I've seen most of the disney films but I remember the songs being a small part of them. When I think of a musical I think of something like Moulin Rouge where the entire cast can't go more than 3 minutes without bursting into song. Maybe they are classed as musicals, maybe I'll just have to accept that I like musicals. fwiw I would much rather eat some KFC than sushi. It's probably been a few years since my last visit to KFC though.
  13. What's all this nonsense about not sharing dirty little stories about Scott Leitch or Jimmy Calderwood? An Internet message board is exactly where these kind of rumours are supposed to be spread.
  14. Mario Balotelli 'takes truant boy back to school and gives bullies ticking off' | Metro.co.uk
  15. The new friendly fires album is streaming at their site. Friendly Fires Sounds very good. I loved their debut.
  16. The OCD thing is annoying. Although one could argue that the annoying people who do so have done so so much that OCD could alter into an acceptable adjective. On a side note I used to work in Primark when it was properly messy. Shit place. I feel a little angry now if I go into one of their shops and see that there are no clothes on the floor. The new generation aren't getting the right experience.
  17. ah fuck. My cocky sugar favouring attitude undermined completely by some careless posting.
  18. Have you ever seen the sun set at three....p..m? Argh once when I was sailing round the Arctic circle...
  19. This album has really grown on me. One of my favourite hip-hop releases of the year. I'd somehow missed this post before so when I started banging on about Low End Theory I had no idea a Tribe related post had already been made shortly before.
  20. Always put sugar in tea and coffee. Fuck Y'all.
  21. The best Disney films are true classics with great stories. And a few songs doesn't make them musicals.
  22. Homey, you want Pork Chops? No, I want Roast Beef, you CLOD!
  23. Bang Bang Rock n Roll is a cracking album. I've never listened to any of their others though. I've seen her naked TWICE!
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