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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. What does that mean? Do they? Do they? and what is memebase?
  2. After his cup dropping trauma Sergio Ramos is seeking out a transfer to Arsenal to ensure that it never happens again.
  3. For anyone who may be in Richmond, Virginia this week
  4. I've just watched that episode. So great. The mafia - chicken sticks episode was incredible as well. A friend of mine told me ages ago to watch it but I never bothered. He put it on the other day while we were recovering from a hangover. I watched a few episodes yesterday but today I must have watched more than 10. I just keep going.
  5. I've just started watching Community. It's been a great hangover companion today.
  6. Having to deal with the effects of being a bit of am asshole when drunk the day after.
  7. Yes that was awesome. The whole set was fantastic. What a night, M.I.A then Bjork and then LCD Soundsystem.
  8. this is worth watching for the shots of the guy playing the reactable
  9. I'm not really sure why, it's just always stood out to me. Part of it is obviously that it's a song I really like but also I think it just has something more to it than the standard tv performance which can often be a little stale (although this thread shows many great exceptions). In that video they come across as if it was one of their first chances to show a large audience what they could do and they just went for it. Onto another a video. It's been posted and talked about here already but to me it fits perfectly with the topic of great tv performances. YouTube - Odd Future on Jimmy Fallon - Sandwiches (Tyler The Creator And Hodgy Beats)
  10. Surely everyone's got a little bit of negative rep in their history. Or maybe not, Mr Perfect Silver Star
  11. That's a good point. For all I know he might have a cool1 level of rep. And I definitely wouldn't take any crisp advice from cool1.
  12. That's a big claim. But you used your 12000th post to make it, so it's got to be taken seriously.
  13. That's really great, but "Best dancing in a TV performance"? Did you not watch this?
  14. New series on Saturday! I can't wait. Last years series was great.
  15. I remember you recommending those before and me saying I'd check them out. I lied though, still haven't got round to it. They will have to be something special to beat the ruffles.
  16. Season 2 premieres on Sunday
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