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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I got excited for a moment, went to check the line up again and then realised you meant Kelis. Amazing that people responded to 72's question seriously. I'm starting to like him.
  2. Vicky Cristina Barcelona was good but there was also something annoying about it that I can't put my finger on. Great cast though who give great performances. I thought the Wedding Crashers wasn't too bad for what it is. I always look more kindly on these types of films when they have Stiller and WIlson starring as they are both great. Especially Owen Wilson.
  3. All of this post is 100% on the fucking money.
  4. The highlights of my last couple of days have been eating a full cooked breakfast and I had sex. Confession: I enjoyed the cooked breakfast more.
  5. at Bale winning player of the year
  6. Didn't we win that St Johnstone game 1-0?
  7. I remember how great I felt after the Hamilton 4-0 game, we were definitely going to challenge for europe this season. If not win the league. I can't wait to get back to that feeling of stupid optimism again.
  8. I'd rather listen to Girls Aloud than Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd or Metallica.
  9. o_O Oh ok. We were doing very well until the red card but after that we hardly saw the ball.
  10. YouTube - Bobby Davro in Panto Best headline ever.
  11. Second pen was soft but I think it was just a pen. Celtic fans in the bar actually didn't think so though. The red card was a real shame, we started well and Celtic clearly weren't at their best. We did well for the rest of the first half but the first goal killed it. And then the second coming after the offside goal really ended any hope.
  12. Ha Rio went nuts. Shame Mario didn't do the same, could have been great.
  13. Gladstone, I meant that when this first appeared I had in mind something different, basically a small one stage event, similar to free at the dee but with a couple of big acts as headliners. Realising it will be something bigger makes the price seem more reasonable. But due to personal taste I still wouldn't pay it.
  14. Stonking goal from Yaya. Made it look like Vidic just wasn't there. I see united coming back though now that little pea is on. He's been getting goals in these types of situations all season.
  15. Just in case my post saying it seemed expensive was taken as an attempt to be negative, it wasn't. I just genuinely didn't expect it to be that much when I first heard there would be a music festival in Seaton park. Looks as if it will be a much bigger event than I first imagined. Don't think there's enough on the bill to make me pay the ticket price but there are certainly enough high profile acts that others probably will. I couldn't go if I wanted to anyway. How many people are you hoping / expecting to attend?
  16. He DID score! Just offside is all. Nice touch and movement round the keeper all the same. Except it's not the same. It wouldn't have counted. He got set up from a free kick when it would have counted. Air shot. City are lining up with a forward three of Silva, Johnson and Mad Man Mario. I can happily want them to win today now.
  17. I can't say I recognise most of them. They probably weren't consistently bad. If they had a low rep it would only take one incident to be put in the red. Like Zeromisery pissed people off in one thread and was in the red for ages. I don't think he's generally disliked though.
  18. ooh why don't you put two question marks? and some stars around the writing, that will be great!
  19. Last few days my laptop has been going slow and sluggish quite often. I look and the CPU usage is at 100%. It's especially happening when I try to stream anything. Trying to watch a match on sopcast just now and broswse at the same time is just about killing it. What are the most likely problems and the best things I can do / use to clean it up make it work better? It would be appreciated if any answers were understandable to a computer idiot.
  20. Just do some studying up on these guys posts and you'll find the key to failure aberdeen-music - Members List
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