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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. It used to be the most positive thing you could say about Rangers was at least they weren't as paranoid as celtic. Now they're making a bid to change that.
  2. Listen to / download the awesome gang gang dance track "Mindkilla" at their website. Gang Gang Dance They're making a challenge for album of the year.
  3. Would any of those bands really fill the music hall at 30 a ticket? Anyway from what Beetlejuice says this may be a bigger event than I was imagining and basing my comment on. Still I think it would take quite a few more bands of note to be added to the line up to make this a success at that price.
  4. why can't i find a picture of a shovel with a swastika on it?
  5. I feel slightly sad that if I ever get a silver star it will have by then become routine and nothing special. Soda Jerk will probably have a gold one
  6. oops :O it's out the bag, guess that's over now
  7. Exactly. When I started my John W alias I'd already put in months of planning, laying the groundwork.
  8. And trolling should be more of a long game, don't come out a couple of hours later and say "hey you caught me, I was trolling"
  9. amazed anyone who uses the internet could still not know this erm they both have black in the name?
  10. a short teaser of one of the tracks from the new Bon Iver album. Bon Iver
  11. Officially released on the 3rd of May. Don't worry though guys, Robin said it was ok to download it.
  12. Yeah there's good trolling and bad trolling. Emergency guy was just stupid.
  13. New Gang Gang Dance is spectacular.
  14. Any info on who will actually be there?
  15. Seems a weird conclusion to make that just because you don't like something it means the band weren't really trying.
  16. Ok, I might have misinterpreted some of your earlier post. I wouldn't really say TKOL sounds very much like Kid A at all, other than both sound very much like Radiohead.
  17. Well it's just taste isn't it. One thing I'd agree with is There There. Probably my fave song of theirs too. I wouldn't label Kid A or Amnesiac as merely diversions though and I don't really see how anything about this album is them trying to pull another kid a.
  18. Sure Roman could buy out a contract but Guus is an honourable chap. I don't think he's ever broken a contract. It's not that Torres is wrong for Chelsea just that he's playing shit and has been for a long time. I think it will work out for him. I hope Drogba isn't sacrificed to make it happen though.
  19. 10hrs of music every what? Day, week or month?
  20. Hiddink back would be great. He's always contracted to some country though.
  21. Android, but that didn't seem to do anything. Thanks for trying though.
  22. Sad to hear Ancelotti is probably going. I don't think there's an obvious replacement who would do better.
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