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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. trap doors would be a must some secret passageways too
  2. Oh and I always dreamed of having a bowling alley in my house. That would have to happen.
  3. There's no radical change but I'd say the songs are stronger and there are a few more ideas in there that mean it doesn't just sound like more of the same.
  4. New Fleet Foxes album is really really good. A step up from the debut.
  5. If I'd known that I would have been sending messages while playing!
  6. If I won something huge like 50 million I'd definitely give a huge amount away. I can't even comprehend what the difference between 5 and 10 million would be, never mind why I would need 50. I'd buy a flat here and a flat in Aberdeen. Pay off mortgages for family. Buy better versions of the stuff I already have. Buy loads of new clothes from Abercrombie and Hollister. Stop working. Travel and visit friends who live in different places.I can't really think of much else. To replace work somewhat and give me a bit of a routine I'd probably start studying. I'd like to do a History degree and I'd do some course to improve my Spanish. Of course this would be after the first month or so when I'd drink to much and take too much drugs. There may be one joke in this post
  7. No way. I was annoyed when I thought he would go with her. Much better off with the other girl. I think the George Micheal character actually has a lot more to it than most of the typical Cera roles. What he's become known for was just part of what he did on AD. When casting a role why would anyone care if an actor could do different roles as well. Better to have someone who can only do one thing but is perfect for that one thing than someone who can do a variety of stuff but is not as good for what you want.
  8. I seem to have a problem with a couple of my games at the moment. My games with Euan and Jan Deal are both showing in the my turn area but when I enter them the board is as it was after my last word and it is the other persons turn.
  9. Yeah he's a bit of a dick I suppose, I find him funny too though. Not on Paul's level though.
  10. Paul Merton is one of the funniest men ever to appear on TV. He is absolutely awesome.
  11. Looking at my phone to see there have been no words with friends updates.
  12. This is pretty funny How to get a guy to notice you while you're having sex with him via reddit.com
  13. Yeah Tobias is great. I think George is great in a subtler way though so there's more things with him I didn't notice first time that I'm spotting now.
  14. All the characters are great. This is the second time I've watched them all properly and I'm appreciating some characters more now than before. I actually think Cera's acting is generally really great in it. George Snr might be my favourite at the moment though.
  15. I often look at this thread and wonder why I put a question mark in the title.
  16. Thought we'd talked about that already, but it appears we haven't. I hope supercolider is a bit more interesting than the version that was played live a couple of years back.
  17. As I have been watching loads of Arrested Development over the past few weeks I would like to say...YOU IDIOT!
  18. Why is this 6 pages? Adam gave the answer in the first reply.
  19. It was clear from your post what you meant, I chose to ignore that for the sake of pointing out your mistake
  20. Did you start hanging out in more forward moving ways that left the Belmont cinema behind?
  21. As others have said it's great simply because it offers things which the bigger cinemas don't. I also find it a nicer place to be than the big cinemas. I went there all the time when I was a student I could see a film for 3. I saw loads of films that have become favourites of mine.
  22. I hardly saw any of this weekends football. I seem to have lost interest in the domestic season. Aberdeen are doomed to pathetic end finish but Relegation isn't really a threat, the title races in England and Spain are all but over and the weather is too nice now to stay indoors all day. The insanely tight relegation battle will at least make the final couple of premiership weeks very interesting. I'm not very confident about tonight's match. It would be a nice time for Torres suddenly to score a hat-trick.
  23. Great place. It would be a real shame if it closed down.
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