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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I liked John Snow in season 1 but struggled to care about him since then. I find the actor to be quite annoying, which doesn't help. I want as much time with the Lannisters in the next episode as possible.
  2. http://letterboxd.com/tarantinole/list/great-60-90-min-films-for-those-days-when/
  3. Ygritte was one of the worst characters on the show. The whole North of the wall storyline is lacking in great characters really.
  4. The whole episode was a bit cheesy really. John's plan to ride off out and kill Mance by himself is a bit stupid. It's hard to believe he would do that.
  5. Yeah, it was good but still might be the weakest of the season. There was no need for the battle to take up the entire episode. I'm glad Ygritte is dead, best thing about the episode.
  6. New Frank Ocean album next month apparently.
  7. Ballack should be banned on account of only standing out in the worst world cup ever.
  9. I didn't know Jan was from Poland. They're bloody everywhere in Aberdeen nowadays aren't they? Coming over and playing at our gigs. It's a disgrace. Vote UKIP.
  10. If you just adjusted the rules so they applied in general and not directed at subservient girlfriends some of them actually make sense. The replays ARE important and nobody should be walking in front of the tv.
  11. I would have assumed it was Frank and not Ronald in the team. Although right back would be odd for either of them.
  12. World Cup Dream Team 94 onwards Buffon Thuram Cannavaro Baresi Maldini (I like Italian defnders, ok!) Xavi Deschamps Zidane Baggio Hagi Ronaldo Pretty predictable really, the majority of them won the tournament and all but one made it to a final.
  13. I was chatting to a guy this year who had a VIP ticket. beers were 1 and 2 euros instead of 3.50 and 5. Mixed drinks were also cheaper and they free poured the spirits. The viewing area between the sony and heiniken stages looked cool and in a good spot.
  14. Benny Yorston. If you go by statistics anyway. Back to an earlier point, I didn't really enjoy the Calderwood era at Aberdeen at all. I remember enjoying the start as we got back to winning ways but I was away for the big highlights and my lasting memories of his reign is watching turgid football and just being desperate to see him leave. His period in charge helped destroy our attendance figures and they have never recovered. Give me uncle Ebbe over him any day of the week.
  15. ok, potential spoiler, don't read unless you're karmatsunami or another book reader. Alkaline posted in this thread that John Snow dies. I didn't know if it was true or not and anyway he didn't say when. A post on another board said that a main character will die in the next episode and as I'm expecting a battle with the wildlings I obviously thought of John Snow.
  16. It's probably just that I have more fond memories of Mackie than Miller. Embarrassing Rab Douglas, the Dnipro goal etc. Can't think off the top of my head of any great Miller moments. I'm not going to think any more about it though as I'm aware my argument is likely to fall to pieces.
  17. I'd rather have Mackie in my team than Miller to be honest.
  18. I was going to mention serie a as being a bit different. I remember that weekend and at the time I read an article which said that 3-5-2 was a more viable option in Italy because teams tend to be more narrow and there is a lack of real quick quality wide men compared to other leagues.
  19. 3-5-2 some nice nostalgia but not a great idea at all these days. For most teams anyway, perhaps there is the odd team who have a certain set of players it will suit but there's a reason you don't see any of the top sides in Europe playing it. A back three is just a waste when most teams are only playing one main striker. A team playing 4-3-3 with good wide men can pin the wing-backs back in defence and leave their team outnumbered in midfield as the opposition full backs push on.
  20. I've got a feeling that I've had something quite big spoiled for me from the next episode. There was a few weeks ago (that was quickly deleted) which I wasn't sure if it was real or not and kind of forgot about. Now on another forum I saw a bit of another spoilery post before the mods got to it and it made me think about the post from here. I've added two and two together and have an idea of something big that might happen in the next episode. Hopefully two and two made five and I'm way off but I'm going to be thinking about it during all of the next episode now.
  21. I didn't realise The Arctic Monkeys were still the darlings. The newest album was quite well recieved I suppose. I remember everyone being nuts about them when their first album came out, politicians pretending to like them to seem cool etc. Moon moon and his pals would have been listening to bob the builder or whatever at the time though. I didn't realise they'd remained cool with the kids. Anyway I've sidetracked this conversation enough. Back to the Aberdeen music scene, has something replaced Snafu yet?
  22. At the present time I don't think it's a tactically viable formation for the big champions league clubs. Fine for Man United though!
  23. That was a brilliant scene. They've done a much better job at connecting it to the film while making it its own thing than I ever thought it could. Has episode 8 aired in the UK yet? I'm not sure what day it's on, so won't say anything specific about it, in case.
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