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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Download the Big K.R.I.T album. He released it for free. Get it here Big K.R.I.T. - ReturnOf4Eva Get it just so I'm not the only person talking about it.
  2. Stroopy kicked my ass. I've lost more games so far than I've won but I think I'm getting better.
  3. Wheelbarrow throwing is a cultural tradition in Poland and the post-throw laughter is as essential as the throw itself. Living in the age of multi cultural Britain you must be more open and accepting.
  4. As far as I know there is a ban on B teams being promoted to the top division and playing in the cup. I don't think there is a rule which would prevent an A and B team both playing in the second division. It's not likely to be a problem as teams good enough to have a B team in the second division are obviously strong enough that their top side can survive in the top division. It would be a weird situation if it did happen though.
  5. It's tough, I've liked Chelsea for about 15 years whereas I only started following Barca / la liga since I moved here a couple of years ago but being here where there are daily newspapers pretty much dedicated to the team, everyone always talks about them and I can go to matches I feel more closely connected to Barca than I ever have with Chelsea. The Champions League semi final in 2009 is the only time they've played since I've been here and at that time I hadn't liked Barca for so long so before the match I was pretty sure I wanted Chelsea to win but when Iniesta scored I got caught up in the excitement and ended jumping around celebrating the goal. If they ended up playing in the final this year part of me would want Chelsea to win to make up for all the bad luck / fuck ups that have stopped them from winning over the past few years but at the same time I think this Barca team is very special and deserves to be remembered alongside the great club teams and that requires trophies. Speaking of the champions league final I only just realised that it is on the same day as the Saturday of Primavera Sound, the one day I have a ticket for. Bkoody annoying. Hopefully if Barca are in the final they'll put the game on a big screen in the grounds otherwise I'll have to nip off to catch the match somewhere, knowing my luck one of the bands I really want to see will be on at the same time.
  6. YouTube - The Queen's Nose S1 10/10
  7. I still haven't seen the footage, I'm happy to assume that being Rooney he was a dick and he deserves the punishment. It's been talked about a bit on football weekly though and I think I agree that it is something different to seek out the camera and aggressively swear at the tv audience than to be caught by the cameras swearing, So I don't really think his ban is that unfair when judged alone. However many worse things have gone unpunished.
  8. wait for the 22 second mark don't spoil it by reading any comments first.
  9. New track from one of Curren$y's upcoming albums Hulkshare.com Curren$y - Ventilation [Covert Coup].mp3 The K.R.I.T album is as fantastic as I hoped it would be.
  10. Good post until it reminded me of this now I'm just Speaking of blacking up, I walk past this guy almost every work day.
  11. Orange is definitely the worst.
  12. Just got this. Username is jamesbcn
  13. Obviously, I'm not very confident of it being a cracking game to watch though. An early chelsea goal in the second leg would be great for the match.
  14. I'm on it. Although everything I do with this phone takes me ages at the moment.
  15. I've got myself a nice new phone, for the first time in my life I now don't have something completely out of date. Last night I followed champions league updates while on the train home and this morning I watched a youtube video while taking a shit. The future truly has arrived. I'm like a blind man who has just been given sight. Nothing will ever be the same again.
  16. Let's hope so, we need something to make the seconds legs worthwhile.
  17. Good thing, from his already low position he really went downhill lately.
  18. Schalke on pens? You're rubbish at predicting!
  19. yeah, the pains of being pure at heart would be really easy to hate if they weren't so good.
  20. But two bags would involve more packaging than one.
  21. No I wasn't thinking about it being contagious just that people I know who have described have always made it sound so horrible that you nobody would want to do anything other than stay at home. I once got the megabus to london to get to Reading Festival, 1 each way
  22. You had shingles? And you went on a megabus for 12 hours? o_O
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