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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I've done the megabus trip a few times. Often not too bad, once or twice horrible.
  2. One of the best shots I've ever seen. Incredible. I got home just in time to see the second Madrid goal. Great stuff, hopefully spurs will lose another one or two.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORQjNSK-tYg Big Rob Is The Man
  4. Champion League, it's time for more Champions League! Awesome. Hope Spurs get spanked tonight. btw there's a link in the post above this one.
  5. ^ Read that thinking I had clicked on the Liam guy thread.
  6. This thread was better when we were arguing about Jessie J
  7. This makes Aberdeen sound better than Glasgow. I really couldn't care if he becomes successful or not, there's no reason why I should just because we're from the same city.
  8. Comparing any band to the beatles is a pointless exercise. I'd easily take them above The Ramones / Led Zeppelin though, I don't care much for either of those. I think that the Nirvana marketing and image has in fact led to them getting less credit these days than they deserve. They made absolutely great songs and were always better than just being the focal point of a teen fad.
  9. I like them because their music is fucking great.
  10. Don't know why anyone would listen to the solo stuff on any girls aloud member. None of them have come close to their output as a group. Ke$ha has some good stuff. Most of it I find pretty average but she has a few really really great tracks.
  11. How much cooler would cool1 be if cool1 had 1cool cloud girlfriend?
  12. The download was appreciated I'll try and not listen to it much though, I'll wait to have the whole album. June 20th is far away though.
  13. Nicki Minaj's verse on Monster is about 999999999999 times better than anything Jessie J will ever do. Saying that I haven't cared much for her own stuff. There's much better pop acts the press should be getting worked up about rather than Jessie.
  14. Hey this was a lie. I got the news here before seeing my email! Dying Breed is good though and I'm really looking forward to hearing the album.
  15. There really is nothing different between him and Rebeca Black except his song isn't as catchy and doesn't have lyrics so awful they're hilarious.
  16. Worst thing about this thread the suggestion that Jessie J might be any good at all.
  17. I didn't try and justify it at all. I said he should stop because he's dangerous.
  18. I was very impressed on the first listen. I'm looking forward to hearing in a better quality and not through my shitty laptop speakers now.
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