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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I actually haven't seen the film. I just know the "oh hai" meme
  2. So now I've got to donate money every time I oggle a half naked woman? I'd have to give up eating.
  3. Plenty of successful businesses based on this. McDonald's has it's moments.
  4. Actually this is making me re think my whole outlook. All Dutch people are dickheads.
  5. It's amazing. You could correct one part but then another part suddenly becomes wrong. A masterpiece.
  6. Oh yeah Dutch footballers can be cunts Ricksen anyone? Frank "Spitty" Rijkaard.
  7. Cool1, was English your second best subject?
  8. Oh possibly. I guess some people just referred to it as the scrabble app though.
  9. Yeah, I would have thought that they would have got a game out first though. Wasn't Scrabble one of the first popular facebook apps? I was slow onto the facebook badwagon but I seem to remember scrabble talked about a lot when I first became aware of it's existence.
  10. Oh, why's it not called scrabble? I can't play I don't have a good phone (friends)
  11. People talking about things I don't know about. What is Words with Friends? I see it mentioned everywhere lately.
  12. Nefarious C has to buy a new bicycle twice a day.
  13. Time for another post about Oh Land. I can't stop listening to this, it's really challenging to be my fave album of the year so far.
  14. Can't wait for this. Only going to the Saturday but it should still be great. It'll will be a kind of strange experience as any other time I've gone to a festival I've had to do quite a bit of travelling and I've camped out in a muddy field for a few days. This time I could just cycle from my flat to the venue in 20 mins. Are you going to just stay for the festival or spend an extra couple of days here too? I'll also say that Dutch people are great. Met quite a few and they've all been good people.
  15. Would like to visit Holland one day. Isn't Dutch very difficult to learn? Made even more tough due to almost everyone speaking very good English.
  16. Why were you wrong? Good final day though. Good second half from Scotland and the Ireland - England match was wonderful.
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