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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Juno is pretty average though. Actually that might be giving it too much credit.
  2. Crazy weather going on right now. There's been thunder and lightening and it's been pissing it down all morning. Now there appear to be giant hail stones too. It would be pretty ace if I didn't want / need to go to the supermarket. And it will definitely be shit when I have to go to work in a few hours.
  3. It just doesn't stop! YouTube - Rebecca Black - Rap REMIX (Official) oh shit, just realised I have every post on this page and their all about this song.
  4. I didn't want to leave firefox at first but as I said I'm happy now. The only thing I miss is that I had this add-on which let me highlight any word on any web page and with a right click i'd instantly get a translation from Spanish to English.
  5. I'll never regret my change to chrome.
  6. Lisa, a guy who's got lots of ivory is less likely to hurt Stampy than a guy whose ivory supplies are low
  7. It's amazing these people really seem to think that this is the first disaster of any kind Japan has suffered since the Pearl Harbour attack.
  8. Never heard of them. Since you didn't like the Lindau track try this instead The album is really great. And you're right the new Tim Hecker is very good too.
  9. The Friday song is a cover! The bitch should be sued.
  10. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/music-discussion/56381-worst-thing-i-hav-ever-heard-seen-25.html#post888702
  11. Birmingham's winning goal in that final will probably be my moment of the season. Definitely the biggest lol.
  12. The FA should have fixed the draw so Utd City could have been the final. It would have generated much more interest than most recent finals. I would love to see Bolton win it though.
  13. Yuck are good? I'd decided not to bother with them, can't remember why now.
  14. Sludge! That rings a bell. It's the sort of idea that seems good but mostly doesn't come to fruition. Like I said, sounds good to me though, if I was in Aberdeen at the time I'd go for the does of nostalgia.
  15. Most of it is still over shadowed by 2 or 3 great tracks which blow away the rest.
  16. I'd kind of forgot about that, I thought it was due this year perhaps but these things often seem to get delayed a lot. I find the whole album sequel thing a little strange. Didn't got wrong for Rae though. OBCL2 is great.
  17. One of the biggest mistakes I ever made was approaching it with the aim of it being a platform to a good job. An almost total waste of the opportunity.
  18. I prefer not to think about my student loan. I know I should have told them I moved abroad but I never got round to it.
  19. Just noticed that Cool1 made this thread. Got any questions? It is pretty cool this will open again.
  20. Just started downloading Sliders! TO relive some childhood memories and to find out what the hell was actually going on by the end. I'd always miss some episodes and there would be new characters.
  21. some info on the song / people responsible Who the Hell Made Rebecca Black's 'Friday' Video? | City Sound Inertia
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