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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Rival Schools are still around? I really thought that the only song they ever did was this That was on mtv 2 all the time when it was released. I quite liked it but never bought the album. Seems like if I listen to them now and like them I'll just be pissed off I didn't bother 10 years ago. It's lose lose. Cool story bro.
  2. On the first listen the new Dodos album is sounding rather great.
  3. The boat crashed and they all died, except the bad guy who got away.
  4. Any good joke has to be heard at least 20 times before you laugh.
  5. That was mostly rubbish but I did laugh at the OK Computer bit at the end.
  6. Until now you had seen Speed 2 but not the first one o_O It's like speed 2 but on a bus instead of a boat!
  7. Anyone aware of what Rivaldo has been up to of late? Having retired as a player he returned to Brazil last year and became president of his old Club. A few weeks ago he decided to come out of retirement and sign himself as a player, including getting photos photoshopped of him giving himself a contract, gurning, etc. http://footballsup.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Rivaldo-no-Mogi-em-2011.jpg http://footballsup.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/f_32705.jpg http://footballsup.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/rivaldo3.jpg Then, to make things even weirder, he's loaned himself to Sao Paulo, for whom he then scored with a lovely finish on his debut. YouTube - Rivaldo scores Golazo on Sao Paolo debut v Linenese 4/02/2011 Any Rivaldo post wouldn't be complete without this
  8. wait, the new pains of being..... album is out? I'll have to get a hold of that. Looking forward to the new Dodo's album. Anyone else heard the Lykke Li album? It's really great.
  9. I've only read Homicide but it is great. I've seen the Corner mini-series which is fantastic too.
  10. Arrested Development is ace. Re-watching Mad Men just now. On season 2. Such a bloody great show.
  11. Boring match tonight. I only saw the second half though. Enjoyed last night obviously. Shit ref though.
  12. Option 3 - you can listen to music as much as you like but only music composed by John W
  13. No despite how unrealistic it is in either option you wont hear any other music. It will be like you're deaf to music. If you go to a club everyone else will hear music but you'll just have to dance to what you imagine is being played.
  14. Went here yesterday, which was pretty cool. The rest of the weekend was fairly ordinary.
  15. still no internet in my flat What would you rather? You have to pick one album that will be the only music you can listen to for the rest of your life or you can only ever listen to music on your birthday but on that day you can listen to nay music you like. So option 1, only one album but any time you like. Option 2 any music you like but only on one day a year.
  16. Obviously I only wanted to avoid the task as I currently do not have regualr access to the internet and not through any sort of lazyness. [/lie]
  17. Needing to spend more time using this cafe's wifi but also really needing to go home to take a shit.
  18. You can't plan around it that much if you don't know what time it will happen. Although I suppose if it happens early one day you can relax afterwards but on a day where it happens late you could be on edge anticipating it all the time.
  19. I like this idea, it's similar to what I was thinking when I posted a playlist some pages back. I think you explained it better / more simply. I vote on anyone but me doing the hard task of putting names in a hat.
  20. What happened to dopethrone's account? Is he banned or did he ask for it to be deleted? I don't really understand what happened with all this fatboy video stuff, maybe because I skimmed a lot of the last few pages and they might have been modded.
  21. Internet in my flat not working. It's like living in the dark ages. I remember being fascinated by computers when I was a kid, they didn't have the internet, what did I find so interesting? Minesweeper? Paint? Now when the internet doesn't work I see my laptop as being as useful as non-flushable toilet paper.
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