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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Hmm, knife pain is not exactly the same time every day. You just get the initial pain, let's say 15 seconds. The elbow in the back is about 5 seconds each time.
  2. Two days with no what would you rather questions The internet in my flat has been fucked since tuesday afternoon. Taking advantage of the wifi in a cafe just now. What would you rather? Every 20 minutes you feel a pain as if someone has just elbowed you in back or once every 24 hours you feel as if you've just been stabbed with a large knife in the stomach?
  3. Nice day here too, sadly we're forecast to get rain for the next few days
  4. Marking exams where it's multiple choice or I just have to look for one correct answer is ok and can be almost cathartic. Marking essays though is different. If something is really badly written I can spend ages trying to work out what the person was actually trying to say and then correcting it.
  5. Ugh kind of wish I could just delete the last few posts of the thread. Anyway this is nice.
  6. I'd forgotten that Tommy Burns was dead until all of this recent talk.
  7. What would you rather? Smell like you haven't washed yourself or your clothes for 3 months but you feel clean or feel like you haven't washed yourself or your clothes for 3 months but smell fine.
  8. Maybe you weren't but your post did come across as a dig at me. Anyway let's just leave it. In what way do you think Pitchfork promotes "odd" hip hop? Genuinely intested in what you mean. I'll happily admit it's a genre I'm far from an expert on.
  9. Sounds like he was looking for Cake rather than Bright Eyes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF43shMjs0o Haven't seen that video in ages.
  10. Never listened to her before but the new Lykke Li is lovely and wonderful and all sorts of good stuff.
  11. I do read pitchfork but I can't say I remember reading about him on it ever. Just became interested through chat about it on another forum. I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make since half of those links you posted are pfork faves.
  12. Due to a cancelled class I had a long break at work earlier. Sucks that I lose a little money but I for once used the time really productively and did a whole load of preparation for classes coming up this week. Since I am often unproductive, slow and easily distracted when I do this at home I've given myself quite a bit of extra spare time and don't have to think about work in the mornings this week. Apart from damn marking, which I might have to do, that belongs in the hate thread though.
  13. I will never stop loving this show. Favourite season has been fixed as 4 for a while now. Picking one favourite character is difficult. If forced I'd probably go for Bubbles Season 4 Season 5 That is in relation to bubbs' story, if it wasn't obvious.
  14. Oh god that video is horrible. The guy who you can hear laughing throughout it all, I want to stab him in the eyes with a pencil.
  15. I spent 5 months in Ghana, it was incredible. If it was a list of places I've been too before and want to return to it would be right at the top.
  16. I like all the ideas above. I look forward to the playlist being finished so I can give it a good listen.
  17. Very timely, the new Raekwon actually just leaked this evening. So it's out there if you're the type who would like to download it now. Initial reaction is very positive. New Lupe leaked too and is apparently shit. Here's a new track from the upcoming Big K.R.I.T album Rap Radar :: New Music: Big K.R.I.T. Dreamin Love Krit wuz ere, can't wait for the next one.
  18. I'm being sold on Costa Rica I still want to go to Argentina. I also want to visit more of Africa but I don't have any particular preferences which is why there was no African country on my list. Rwandan great lakes region perhaps.
  19. As far as I understand all kiwi men are pussy whipped softies except the Mauris who just like fighting all the time. I heard this from an English guy but there was a girl from NZ there and she didn't deny it, so it must be true.
  20. Rangers do appear to have a larger proportion of idiots than most clubs but it's still no reason for their non idiots to be tarred with the same brush.
  21. I'd definitely get some of Vondas' straight off the boat shit.
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