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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Do you support Man U as much as Wednesday? I always thought you followed United so you had some interest in "real" football.
  2. Don't go to Washington, go to Bmore instead. Buy some WMD from the pit, that;s what I'd do.
  3. Having to wait 60 seconds between posts.
  4. Unfortunately a look a some youtube comments shows that Aberdeen has more than a fair share of idiots associating themselves with the club.
  5. I'm scared of people who don't speak English! only joking
  6. Yeah you can fuck all the prozzie goats you like.
  7. I was going to wait until it had grown before listening properly but no one else is adding anything So can the people that have put one on already add another?
  8. I've never bothered with the second and third mos albums as from all accounts they're not really worth it. He couldn't be bothered and just wanted out of his contract. The Ecstatic is excellent though, well worth a listen. And the Black Star album too if you haven't already.
  9. What would you rather? Meet someone fall in love and spend five years together. As in love as you can possibly imagine. Such a beautiful love songs will be written about it and x factor winners will cover these songs and take them to christmas number 1. But after these five years the person dies and you never have a relationship with anyone ever again. Or you can have as many relationships as you like but you will never love any of them and each one wont last that long as yo'll get bored quite quickly.
  10. I've been listening a lot to The Ecstatic by Mos Def last couple of days. Mos might be my favourite rapper. This and Black on Both Sides are both so great. BoBS was one of the first hip hop records I really fell in love with.
  11. Wilshere is a great player, complete cunt though. Hopefully he can grow out of that with age, but I doubt it. His face at the end was probably the best part about the whole day. Arsenal didn't play badly just not as well as they can. Best cup final there's been in England in a while. Probably the best there's been at the new Wembley.
  12. Don't think Del meant it in that way. No one should deny Birmingham did very well and deserved to take the cup home. However with such a difference in playing quality between the two teams it was Arsenals to lose. No matter how well Birmingham would play they needed Arsenal to be below their best which they were.
  13. She manages to inspire complete love or hate in people depending on who you talk to, yet really she's just alright. Jan is right though, much better on the radio than on some channel 4 show.
  14. I want to eat sausages now. And then some cake.
  15. I was going to have the US in my list then I remembered that I had been there before (Magic Kingdom 1995 ) and I wouldn't have been answering my own question correctly. I've got a couple of friends there I'd really like to visit and there are loads of places that I'd like to go to.
  16. I learned two new things today and I've not even woken up. 8-)
  17. Yeah I need to see that again too. The girl I saw it in the cinema with hated it and she never spoke to me again afterwards. Obviously a rookie mistake not to go see her choice but the coens are too good to resist.
  18. I did not know that. Well I knew there was something like that out there. Didn't know that every essay was checked with it as routine though.
  19. How are they stopped from posting anything?
  20. What's this? Does someone other than the person who marks it decide if there may be plagiarism?
  21. You can hate anything if you just try hard enough.
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