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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Also it has nothing to do with this thread but I wanted to share that a clown just gave me a flyer to a newly opened fruit and veg shop.
  2. They will think you've disappeared. And they will miss you. If you live close to your family you have to move away.
  3. Awaiting Wooshino's review. Fearing the critical backlash.
  4. Loopholes are ok, but the format relies upon certain truths having to be accepted if set out in parameters of the question. And in this question your dad definitely does not welcome the turn of events because he has always secretly had a hunger for your dick!
  5. Oh as you sit there on your knees, tears rolling down your cheeks shouting "I thought it was what you wanted", you definitely are the most humiliated man in the world.
  6. Well you wouldn't have the best of times with them, they'd probably try and make you see a shrink or something but at least you'd get to see them a little. And in the rules of this question your old man is always able to fight you off, no matter how old and frail he gets the thought of his todger in your mouth repulses him enough to give him just enough strength to push you to the ground.
  7. If you say that you'd be ostracising your Dad from your whole family. Not very nice, is it?
  8. Yes it includes spouse and kids. How would you explain to the rest of your family that you are avoiding your dad?
  9. No I meant from that point on, you'll not only not have contact with them but you'll never be able to find out in any way what is happening in their lives
  10. Hey you fuckers, I was up until 3 (ended up watching an episode of Jonathan Creek after saying I was going to bed) give me a break! Right for honesty's sake I should say again this question isn't mine, it was first asked by a friend of mine, a real what would you rather great. This one is aimed at anyone who really cares for their family, hopefully there'll be one of these nice people around here. What would you rather? Never have any contact with any of your family ever again, close and extended family. You can't ever see them, talk to them by phone, write emails or anything. You will have absolutely no more knowledge of them from this point on for the rest of your life. or Every time you and your father are in the same place when you first see him you have to run over to him throw yourself at his feet and start scrambling at his belt and trousers trying to get his cock out as if you want to give him a blow job. Once he has been able to fight you off you must shout out "But I thought it was what you wanted!" And then you can carry on as normal until the next time you meet each other and it must all happen again. You can never tell anyone why you are doing this. While scrambling at his belt buckle you are 100% convincing. In this scenario your dad is always strong enough to fight you off at this moment.
  11. Going to bed now but when I wake up I'm going to post a memorable question. Look at me I'm like the beeb hyping up an episode of Eastenders, saying it'll be the tv event of the year.
  12. No way you can eject the poop without the smell lingering.
  13. hmm, I guess it depends on the situation. If I could very quickly get somewhere to change said shitty pants perhaps that could be a better choice. Maybe.
  14. surely everyone would pick piss? Shit is just much worse. I think the piss option needs something extra to balance the choice.
  15. So if I take the vagina I wont enjoy the sex but would I enjoy giving myself a good fingering? I wouldn't mind having a vag and masturbating all the time. The girls on the internet seem to really enjoy it.
  16. Considering using a friend's question tomorrow rather than using my own. It's an all time classic. Start the hype! [edit] just seen that this thread has got it's first rep and it was negative my baby
  17. Didn't know that about Anderson, could make a difference in the premiership. Can't see them winning the champions league then again everyone is beatable.
  18. I hate clicking on new posts to see a bunch of stuff in the musician's corner forum, or the gigs and events or the equipment forum. What the fuck do people think this forum is for? If I can't go to gigs in Aberdeen and I can't play any instruments no one else should talk about these things. seems fair.
  19. This statement is the definition of truth. The idea baffles me, it's so wrong. They taste like shit. My mum thinks she makes good scrambled eggs and yet she cooks them in the microwave and each time she does so I lose a little bit of respect for her. Equally as bad is people who add some milk to the whisked eggs to increase the return once cooked. The eggs plus some seasoning is all that is needed. Eggs in all forms are great. I can't think of many food situations where I would answer no to the question "would you like an egg with that?"
  20. Bloody hell Cool1's reputation has taken a beating, I'm not fan of his odd question style, but there's something about it that it seems cruel to neg rep him, almost like he can't help it. Like picking on a spazzy kid. And this thread is probably his most decent one but looking at his profile it appears it is this one that broke the people's resistance. I'm not sure there's much difference between a good night and bad night out. You just need all the people to be in the right mood. What happens is kind of the same you just enjoy it more. I was going to tell a few average tales but I had written two paragraphs about one night when I realised I could spend ages typing shit that really wouldn't be interesting and could be summed up in a few words so I'll try a concise version. Once me and a few friends were out and about in the afternoon and got enticed into a pub by the lure of cheap beer. We ended up getting merrily drunk and later in the night found ourselves at a free outdoor festival in Badalona (just outside barcelona). Good drinking, good chat, some dancing, some flirting with some pretty girls, what more can you ask? A favourite of mine is always the second day drinking, if you can rise yourself out of your hangover and start again it is often an even better day. After a big night on the beer I'm a fan of switching to red wine the next day. There have been a couple of times when I've met with friends in the afternoon all hungover and started drinking some wine slowly. Then the pace picks up and before you know it 10 hours have passed. Great times. I spent a few months in Ghana and any time I got into the capital for a weekend was awesome. The fact I couldn't often have a "night out" made me appreciate it more. Got completely wasted in the beer gardens of Munich once, that was awesome. And numerous nights out in Aberdeen where I've been with good friends and had a good time and there's not much to it than that. Oh, that was still quite a bit, but still much less than it would have been on the path I started out on.
  21. Man U are really going to miss Anderson now he's out for a couple of months. He's been very good this year whereas Carrick and Fletcher have been utter pants.
  22. What would you rather? For the next month you can only post here about JakeBassist's IBS or only answer questions asked by Cool1?
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