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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I should be sleeping but I'm here, for you, all of you.
  2. That's awesome. Goggles had gone off the radar but now it's BACK. Bigger and better than ever.
  3. Now it's all a linked giant combo
  4. The threads I imagine I'm going to post are always masterpieces. Great essays of logic which everyone will agree with and applaud me. Then I find I can't actually go more than 3 or 4 sentences before a post turns into rambling rubbish. and I'm aware it sometimes doesn't even require 3 or 4
  5. Sheffield Gap Year reflect the new money in the team
  6. How many people have started a post in this thread and not completed it? INCEPTION
  7. This one is essential I'm aiming one day to be so free spirited to achieve a 0% deletion rate. It will be like the moment in the Matrix when Keanu sees everying binary and it all becomes clear.
  8. start typing a post only to decide that it's shit / not worth it before hitting the post reply button? I used to have a pretty high percentage of posts that never made it. I've been boarding with more of a "who cares" attitude of late so it's come down. Still I think maybe 1 in 10 of my potential posts don't reach the promised land.
  9. and he confirms this as he looks on at my little todger that is why he smiles I'm always surprised the rep system seems to work as well as it does.
  10. I just imagine all ab music avatars are watching me while I'm wanking. You ever wondered why that Ainsley Harriot av is always smiling so much?
  11. This is a question that needs answered.
  12. Every time I get some positive rep I have a wank while staring at the approved post for as many minutes as points it gained me.
  13. Thom's out on the street dancing for pennies until they have enough to record more.
  14. Need to change the name thought. Shouldn't be named after such a middling day. Sheffield Friday Nights Out That would attract the sponsors and fans.
  15. Yeah I think so, HTTT had the com lag EP which followed shortly after. In Rainbows has the bonus disc which came with it. I think an EP is likely. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed they keep working on the other songs an get another album out within in the year. The fact they don't appear to be going out on tour any time soon does give a hint they are going to work on something. Or they might just take some time off and sit at home. Who knows.
  16. Soda, what would you rather? Wednesday get relegated this season to league 2 or both King Pat and Tim Cahill retire and never kick a football again.
  17. Think the theories are mostly bull-shit. Lazy journalism on NME's part (surprise) just reading the main rh message boards to get a story, I post on one of them and the stuff people are coming out with is ridiculous. I think there's a fairly good chance of some more material in some way fairly soon i.e not another 4 year wait. However I don't buy any talk that only the first half of the album has been released and we still have to wait to get the other half. Trigger what's your opinion of King of Limbs? Sorry if you've already said in this thread and I just missed it / have forgotten.
  18. I go chucked out from a club once and told not to return for a month, I'm not going to say why though.
  19. Posted this in the king of limbs thread but thought I'd put it here too as more people will probably watch it. Brilliant.
  20. Ok those were just amateur efforts compared to this. One of the greatest things on the internet. Times like this I love youtube. Anymore thoughts on this album or will this thread remain my quiet contemplation corner?
  21. Honestly I didn't even know the dons had a match tonight. But just came home to see we've got another 3 points in the bag
  22. I went to T once and had a good time and didn't have any problems with anyone. I'd maybe go back one year if they had any kind of decent line-up.
  23. It does? Didn't know it even had a reputation of any kind.
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