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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I was speculating much the same about Stannis earlier this evening. The best thing about this show being so popular is that so many of my students watch it. I had a good half ab hour today when I was technically being paid to talk about the show.
  2. Argentina are roaring to get going tonight!
  3. Some good points about the Lannister / Martell rivalry. Perhaps Oberyn dying might actually be the interesting result after all.
  4. New Caribou album coming. YAY. Out in October BOO. New song.
  5. I missed the first 20 mins or so of Earl. I wouldn't describe anything I saw as nonsense or half tunes. There were quite a few I didn't know but overall I enjoyed his performance a lot. Outkast were strongly rumoured and I was disappointed they weren't on the line up at the time it was announced. Looking at their tour dates though I guess it just wasn't possible. They're still touring in the US just now. Jurassic 5 came here for Sonar last year, De La Sould would have been great. It's a pity that Boiler Room didn't include any hip hop acts on their stage. However, nothing would have beat Kendrick.
  6. I listened to Be Your Own Pet today for the first time in a very long time. Absolutely love this band. Wish they had recorded more than two albums. http://youtu.be/0-9qy8QJua4
  7. I saw Earl Sweatshirt and Kendrick Lamar at Primavera Sound this past weekend. I think they might have been the only hip hop acts on the bill. Earl was pretty good, Kendrick was incredible. Definitely in the my top 3 acts of the weekend. He got one of the biggest and most enthusiastic crowds I saw too. Primavera Sound always has good hip hop acts but only ever a handful at most. Hip hop acts don't seem to come here in general very often.
  8. Yes. You've cracked it. Thanks for revealing this to me.
  9. Moaning about the charts is about as tiresome a point as you can make about music. The charts will contain a load of crap and some good stuff. Look to other sources for music and you'll find a whole lot more good music. As well as a whole lot more crap. It's the same for absolutely every genre with the amount of good stuff in the charts varying depending on trends at the time. And comments like "music has lost touch" just make you sound like a cranky old man who thinks the only good music is the first music he got into. Music he got into because it was in the charts at the time. But of course the charts were better back then.
  10. Well done for being able to sound like a 50 year old and a 15 year old at the same time.
  11. I think it was a couple of weeks after last year's festival that some were put on sale for this year. Sadly I can't commit to going next year at the moment so I won't be getting one now. It is definitely worth it if you can though. Getting the ticket at half price a year in advance certainly softened the blow of spending a ton of money through the weekend.
  12. There must be world cup ads on the telly by now? Any good ones? Anything close to this?
  13. There's no way they'll kill off Tyrion. I know GOT has a rep for killing off anybody but it seems clear that GRRM has some favourite characters (Tyrion, Arya, Danaerys) that I expect to be around until the very end (or at least close to it). It's a shame though that whatever will happen to Tyrion it's doubtful will ever get to see him with power and involved in King's Landing politics again, which is when he is best.
  14. They really did just leave the Hound and Arya hanging. I can't wait to see what happens there next episode. Surely Sansa will at least learn Arya is still alive.
  15. One of my highlights of the weekend.
  16. Argentina haven't played a friendly yet. We're that confident.
  17. It was an okay episode but not a standout considering the high standard of the season so far. The trial by combat was disappointingly predictable.
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