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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Great name for a child that, Oregon.
  2. I meant in a league match. No I didn't, I'd completely forgotten about the East Fife match
  3. It must all be worth it though just to get to use the word buck. 10 bucks, sounds great. Sound like a twat if you use it for pounds / euros though.
  4. When you feel hungry just after finishing a meal. it's shit.
  5. I fuckign loved codonas as a kid. The dodgems, the waltzers, the blue slide, twister. Awesome. It should be put out it's misery now though, it's Simpsons-esque in how it's hanging around after it's past it's best. I have no response to the actual topic of this thread.
  6. And it's FIVE Belting. When did this last happen?
  7. @ ca_gere how are you coping with the whole tipping culture in New York?
  8. Depending on the girls option 1 might end up just being the same as 2, just with added pee. But if a girl comes back after the pee incident it is probably a good sign she likes you or has a certain fetish
  9. Fuck, penalties are shit. Except the one Aberdeen just scored, I like that one. 3-0 up, great way to come back after the motherwell disappointment.
  10. FlyLo digs it. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgu0gdJmxK1qadauzo1_500.jpg
  11. I was out with a guy from work last night and ended up drinking with a bunch of people I'd never met before. Got drunk and started asking them questions like this, I'm not really sure what these people thought about this guy they'd never met asking about wanking and their parents having sex. Probably never see them again anyway. Annoyingly I'm sure I came up with a really great question I wanted to post on here today, but I've forgotten it. Anyway. What would you rather? Every time you have sex with someone for the first time you both wake up with the bed soaked in your piss or you are limited to having sex with anyone once. And you people who can reply with "I already have the perfect girlfriend / wife / boyfriend / husband and don't need to have sex with anyone new again" Fuck Off.
  12. I think I'd have to take option 1. Even if it wasn't Justin Lee Collins, after having sex, the last thing I want is sex again, I'd rather go to sleep or eat some pizza.
  13. oh god, that's worse than mine! Would he shave his beard for me if I ask him?
  14. Sad news. I'm pretty happy that I can at least pretend I would buy more music if I lived in Aberdeen and could go to 1up. Had some great browsing sessions in there. I remember when I first became aware of it's existence when a friend bought me a charlatans single for my 11th (?) birthday. Those days will never happen again
  15. Didn't read any more of this post, didn't want to. It would ruin it. Stroopy wife beater. You Dick. Is this thread back to jokes yet or is it still serious? I can't tell as I'm a little tipsy and skimmed the last few pages.
  16. and how do people still not know about watching other itv/bbc regions on sky? what is this, fucking 2005?
  17. I've been having some bank trouble of late too. If I go in to my bank over here I get better personal service than I ever have had in the UK. The kind of service I've always assumed old people were lying about getting. I have even on occasion gone into the bank and my personal account manager has already dealt with my problem before I've even arrived. But a while back they convinced me to change to a new and better account and since then I've had nothing since trouble. It took at least a month before I could access online banking ofr the account. I've had problems with things like making transfers and the previously great account manager never has a clue and whenever I finally confront (by this I mean turn up in person politely rather than sending polite emails) her about a problem she tells me she sent me an email explaining everything, I must not have got it.
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