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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Not being god of the internet (YET) anyone can ask questions. I'm going to try and keep up with one a day for a while but I'll probably be out of any remotely interesting questions soon enough and be begging for help.
  2. So the last line of the album is "if you think this is over, you're wrong" A Kid A/mnesiac style quick follow up?
  3. What would you rather? You have to spend a month bare-foot, no socks, no shoes no nothing at all times or you have to spend 2 months without washing or using any deodorant. In option one you definitely wont get hypothermia and die or anything like that.
  4. I'm only on the third track, first impression is that this is definitely not another In Rainbows. All of this just makes me want to do some thom yorke dancing.
  5. Go to the kingoflimbs.com and go to order tracking album can be downloaded NOW
  6. Radiohead release The King Of Limbs Live coverage | Music | guardian.co.uk A representative from XL records has just sent this email out: Radiohead have brought forward the digital release of their new album "The King Of Limbs" by 24 hours with the album now being sent to those who pre-ordered it earlier this week. It is also available for new orders through RADIOHEAD | Dead Air Space at a fixed price of 6. A special edition is also available. With everything ready on their website, the band decided to bring forward the release by a day rather than wait until the planned date of Saturday, Feb 19 to deliver the music.
  7. Song is great and has me super hyped for the album tomorrow.
  8. Only 1 day to wait To pass the time, top 5 radiohead songs? There There Idioteque How to Disappear Completely Paranoid Android Pyramid Song
  9. Just gave the Beans album a listen and enjoyed it. I'll definitely give it at least a few more plays.
  10. I haven't listened much to anything that's been around for the last couple of years. Mainly because new songs have only really been played by thom solo or by thom with atoms for peace and have never really felt like anything close to a finished track. I really liked the song "These are my twisted words" that they released last year but that (like Harry Patch) is apparently a one off and wont be on the album. I do like the uncertainty.
  11. Someone posted it in the youtube thread recently, but it certainly is hilarious and well worth posting again. One of the videos I am most thankful to youtube for.
  12. haha, that's a pretty great mistake. In Catalan the word for bottle is ampolla so again very similar to the word for dick/cock/wang and they call wine black rather than red. So through the simple dropping of a sylable a friend of mine once asked someone for 2 black cocks rather than 2 bottles of red wine.
  13. New Rick Ross track produced by The Alchemist Hulkshare.com rick ross feat. meek mill - PERFECTIONISTS_DIRTY.mp3 I'll check out some of the links above later when I get home from work.
  14. It tasted like chicken but that's what everyone says when they eat something unusual for the first time isn't it? "hmm, It tastes like chicken"
  15. Not speaking Spanish as well as I'd like to. Last night while on the way home I felt a bit peckish so I nipped in to McDonalds to grab a couple of things of the euro menu then made a mistake I'd always feared. I asked for a hamburguesa de polla and not pollo as I should have Only one vowel wrong but it meant that instead of ordering a chicken burger i asked for a dick burger
  16. The homosexuality in football issue is a big problem which the authorities don't seem willing to tackle at all. The world cup being awarded to Qatar is hardly a step in the right direction either.
  17. No, in fact your cat is so disgusted it runs away and never comes back.
  18. I just thought that even though there is more talk of hip hop here than previously there probably wouldn't be enough discussion to really merit individual threads for different tracks / albums etc. And talk of older stuff is just as welcome as new releases.
  19. I think Pedro has been great this season. He's developed at a really quick pace. I get the feeling Pep doesn't rate Bojan that highly. Pedro jumped the queue ahead of him and now he seems to be getting less and less time on the pitch. He really needs to go somewhere else (perhaps) on loan to develop. He was played more for Spain in Euro 2008 than he is for Barca now.
  20. Does anyone know what happened in the end to the other guy that got suspended at first? The one who only said that another guy said the lineswoman was attractive. The worst thing they did was definitely the first recording that was leaked. If women officials become more common at the top level of the game Keys and Gray couldn't have been seen as impartial commentators on the events when they clearly believe women officials are genetically unable to do their job.
  21. To sweeten option two, you have a free supply of boxers so there's no financial implication.
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