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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Is this your dad? YouTube - The Inbetweeners - Jay's Dad
  2. Del, do Cambridge have any out dated club colours your fans could start to wear to make a protest? That would solve everything. If not, just make a video comparing your club's plight to the rape of your family.
  3. How about answering the damn question! Do you get men or not?
  4. Option two seems to be the easy choice for most. It needs balanced out. Now either your mum gets the text the same as before or you get a PICTURE message every time either of your parents have sex. Does that change it? The picture is of the climax (probably just for your dad) moment
  5. 4th officials are only there to soak up the abuse that comes from the coaches. I wouldn't be surprised if they're not even qualifies officials, just some guys off the dole who are happy to get a few quid to be shouted at for 90 mins. Oh and obviously they have all the board holding up to do.
  6. It came out just recently i think.
  7. It sure is ace-ic. If you only finish 4 as 5 is beginning then you're going to slow! The final few episodes of the third season are absolutely incredible. There's also the show's biggest WTF moment. Which I'm still not sure if it was incredibly great or a potential jump the shark
  8. Well that's not one of the options! But if it really interests you, I'm not sure either is getting much at the moment.
  9. Father Ted is ace. I just downloaded all three series. One of the few shows that I found funny as a child that is still as funny if I watch it today. These are fake arms!!!!!!
  10. Shit result for the Dons. After such a great start too.
  11. Yeah texts for each one. Separated parents does add an extra dimension to the question.
  12. I think the board could use a little Dopethrone trolling for a bit. Just to shake things up.
  13. At least with the first option you can control the timing. If you go for the latter, who knows at what inopportune moments you may hear that (now frightening) text message ring tone.
  14. I only saw the second half, based on that it seems hard to believe Spurs were apparently in control for all of the first. The goal was a classic European away team counter attacking goal. Think they'll go through now. Love Gattuso, past his best but he used to be ace. He did act like a bit of a twat tonight though.
  15. It's the thread you've all been waiting for, you just didn't know it! The Paranoid Android What Would You Rather Thread. Today's question. What would you rather? Every time you have a wank your mum gets a text message telling her or every time your parents have sex (be that together or with other people) you get a text message telling you.
  16. Was that a different live recording then? All information on the song says that a studio version has never been recorded.
  17. If he's not getting any himself it should have been seen as new wanking material
  18. Ace-ic is that for once I haven't been lazy and put off actually buying a ticket until I find out they're all sold. Went to the shop and bought one yesterday :]
  19. What do you mean? Because of the keyboard version they starting using live as an intro to Everything in it's right place? The only version ever released is the one on the I Might Be Wrong Live Ep which is pretty much as it originally was. My ranking of their albums Kid A > OK Computer > Amnesiac > In Rainbows > Hail to the Thief > The Bends > Pablo Honey
  20. Apparently it will be available on cd and vinyl in shop from the end of March, it's just the fancy collectors thing that you'l have to wait until May.
  21. Made me laugh too. And the album is pretty poop.
  22. I had no problems with the site. I like that this time I know very little about what to expect. Before In Rainbows was released I'd heard live versions of most of the songs. I'm not really expecting another top tier Radiohead album (OKC, KID A) but hopefully something on the same level as In Rainbows or Amnesiac. Something that good would be a very strong album of the year contender for me.
  23. He'd balance out the bizarre level of Liverpool love amongst pundits, which can only be a good thing. Sky should get Ray Wilkins to take over the Andy Gray role of main pundit / co-comentator. I don't know why they haven't already. He knows the game inside out, talks well, is well respected, makes good and interesting points and he's worked for them plenty before. I know it's asking to much for James Richardson to be the host alongside him but Ray shouldn't be too much of an unrealistic pick.
  24. Looks like they've learned a few lessons from the In Rainbows experience. The download is available in a higher quality and as said the luxury option isn't quite so pricey. The approach of getting the album out there digitally almost as soon as possible is surely the way forward if bands/ record companies are looking to avoid leaks and to lessen the effect of illegal downloading. With the way many people are listening to music nowadays it doesn't make sense to have such a long period between the recording/mixing/mastering process being finished and the product being available for fans.
  25. I've seen it listed as a possible release on a few sites, but not with any concrete info. There was a couple of new tracks featured on a stones throw podcast not that long ago. YouTube - MADVILLAIN - AVALANCHE / VICTORY LAP
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