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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. It's that time of year again. I may not watch any rugby for the majority of the year but the six nations is possibly my favourite (non-football) sporting event. Got a feeling England will win it this year.
  2. I imagine that it really would depend on the person whether that would be a positive thing or not!
  3. Haters out! YouTube - The White Stripes - Jimmy the Exploder So good.
  4. He scored 24 goals helping his side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in his first season in the top flight he bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January, Including a goal against the reigning champions, away at Arsenal and in a home win over Liverpool. His form earned him an England call-up and a debut in an international friendly. Is this a 35m striker? No. This is Michael Ricketts, February 2002.
  5. Very sad news, surprising too, I was expecting a new album this year. I enjoy the first 3 records much more than the 3 latest ones so I wasn't expecting career best material from them but I still liked the recent albums more than any other Jack White project.
  6. Yeah I don't really feel the need to see any more of it. But I do love the 10 year old style of it. And then this happens and then this and then you think it's all over but then.... THIS happens andit's all goes crazy again..........repeat repeat repeat
  7. Mine seems to be fine. I haven't updated anything in the past day though.
  8. So Anelka was by all accounts absolutely superb for Chelsea last night. You could be forgiven for thinking that something has just happened to put his place in the team under a little pressure.
  9. Oh, I am, am I? Is that what you think? Well if that's what you think, I have something to tell you. Something which may shock and discredit you. And that thing is as follows, I'm not wearing a tie at all.
  10. Yeah I've heard that. Apparently the author of the novel is very happy with both versions of the film. I haven't read the book but I think for the film they made the right choice focussing mostly on the relationship between the two kids.
  11. All real greats. I loved Doink the clown and don't forget DINK! Wrestling died the day Tatanka lost for the first time
  12. You got a real lol from me for that last one. must spread etc.
  13. I've had that urge too. However "hanging out the back of it" isn't so versatile.
  14. Yeah I think the officials just fucked up, simple as that. The assistant must have thought he was onside when the pass was first played. The commentators being shit appeared to start going on about something irrelevant to make it seem like they knew what was going on.
  15. - People who don't use punctuation properly, particularly not putting full stops at the end of sentences. Depends on the situation. I have really low standards when it comes to Facebook, message boards etc. - Usage of the word 'yr'. No idea and no logical explanation why it bugs me, but it does. Sonic Youth made it cool - The belief that you have to say thanks to a bus driver when he/she drops you off. Why do they deserve a round of applause for doing their job but no-one else does? - The fact that some bands are considered sacred cows and if you say anything negative about them then you're a horrible cynical bastard. Annoying when someone just refuses to accept your opinion - 97% of my colleagues at work. Just the most minute things will get me annoyed for hours. You should hear what they say about you - The fact that I get so annoyed by such minute things. Hmm, it doesn't really bother me that you get so annoyed by these things - Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm being considered to be an asshole when, let's be honest here, he's usually right. Hmm, sometimes. However the show wouldn't be worth watching if he always got his way, would it. - Being called miserable earlier this year because I didn't laugh at Gary: Tank Commander or Come Fly With Me. Two of the worst things I have ever had the misfortune to witness. I'd call them an insult to television shows, but then I'd be afraid of insulting the people who thought up the idea for Celebrity Love Island. Never heard of these......stop being miserable - Liverpool fans. Some of the most deluded football fans there are, and I'd class the large majority of them as being terrible examples of the human race. No arguments here, this forms the basis of a large percentage of my posts in the footie thread - The men who were sitting on the table opposite my girlfriend and I on the train to Glasgow on Friday evening. Two stereotypical suit-wearing, perma-tanned fucknuts who would not stop talking about their jobs with a ridiculously elevated sense of pride. Made me despair. When do you decide to lose your soul and become one of these people? just laugh at them - Mogwai. never heard them but there has been too much talk about that gig lately. People shouldn't talk about things that don't involve me - Aberdeen fans. can be dicks, but so can all football fans - Celtic fans and their belief that there is a conspiracy against them orchestrated by the SPL. and some can do it better than others - The lack of a music venue in Aberdeen that holds 80 people at most. It is so direly needed and things will never improve unless one is to open. doesn't really affect me
  16. Not just HBO, they're showing Mad Men which is AMC. Maybe'll they'll show Breaking Bad and Walking Dead too, I'm not sure. Boardwalk Empire was one of last years biggest disappointments. I followed it the whole way but in the end it seemed like a big missed opportunity for me. Perhaps the second season will be better, not certain if I'll bother.
  17. Don't know if you listen to this anyway, but there was quite a bit of good chat about Crawley towards the beginning of Monday's football weekly podcast. Football Weekly podcast: The Torres transfer and a bad romance | Football | guardian.co.uk
  18. I think it was the picture of the NUFC club Calendar for 2011. Very timely Andy Carroll was the player for February.
  19. No irony. It's just a highly entertaining and fun show. Probably a bit of nostalgia involved too. I always thought it was widely popular and well liked by all ages. Not sure if my mum or any of my aunts ever watched it though.
  20. Never heard of these guys before, but those photos and that video have just made my day.
  21. That firewater album was a bit hit and miss for me. Some I liked a lot and some not so much. I'll probably give it another go. My rec for today Electr-o-pura - Yo La Tengo - Spotify One of many great albums from one of my favourite bands
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