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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Is he still living with Kevin Nolan? Is he allowed to move and live on his own, or will he have to sleep on Kenny's couch?
  2. Oh yeah I agree (with Capt America). Suarez and Carroll would be a good front two. It would show good signs of Liverpool moving forward. The silly price for Carroll is the weird part about it. Don't think Torres is worth 50 mil either so like you say it might not be too bad for them. I still kind of expect Torres to stay. It'll be announced just after SSN run a piece where fans vent their anger against him and threaten to kill his mum. It'll be like Gerrard in '03. Torres to score against Chelsea on Sunday and then kiss the badge.
  3. Out of interest, a question to all. How many of the pictures in this thread actually make you laugh out loud? Or even chuckle. I'm going to guess at one out of 15 for me. Lately anyway. The cycling gif above is very amusing though.
  4. ^ Agree The food court was never good but the replacement is hardly original.
  5. But when the paperwork mysteriously disappears before being filed anything will be possible! Harry could easily get someone to do a bit of dirty work for him. And yes, the Carrol interest does seem to suggest Torres is on his way. Whether they'll let him go if they can't get anyone else is another question though.
  6. Is there really anything wrong with threads going nowhere? Do posts have to contribute something of value to the board? I guess the impression that for most people posting on a message board is just something to pass the time, skive a bit from work, amuse themselves when suffering insomnia etc. Pointless discussion at time is the point and part of the fun. But hey I know what I can do if I don't like it. And I didn't really care about either thread, I was just interested in the rationale.
  7. Just seen that the Suarez deal isn't completely finalised. Would love for Torres to be sold and then see that bid hijacked. Probably by the wheeler dealer.
  8. Don't worry, I post for smiles not rep.
  9. What's up with the moderating on this board today? Bad threads don't need to be closed. They'll just fall down to the next page and be forgotten on their own accord.
  10. Some crazy offers flying around today it seems. Where was all this money in the summer? Liverpool offering nearly as much for Carrol as David Villa cost in the summer. That seems a little odd. Especially since he hasn't even played a full premiership season. And he's injured right now.
  11. Why would the thread get locked? Just curious.
  12. Old 'Arry the wheeler dealer only ever does deals on the final day of the window.
  13. 3 more examples of how Liverpool have some of weirdest, most deluded fans around.
  14. Name your band after whoever makes the next post after this one. Fingers crossed for Slutbags McGee
  15. Hello, Muddah, hello, Faddah. Here I am at Camp Granada. Marge, is Lisa at Camp Granada?
  16. The Kids Are Alright - It was ok. Nice enough. I kind of went off it was the film went on. IN particular the last 20 mins lost me. I do always enjoy watching both Julianne Moore and Mark Ruffalo. 6.5/10
  17. Whatever you choose will probably be an improvement.
  18. Madrid have just lost. La Liga is pretty much over.
  19. Liverpool would be mad not to take a big offer for Torres. Fair play to them if they manage to squeeze as much as they can out of Chelsea, but if they get offered something like 40m and turn it down they're crazy. United have shown over the years how one player is never bigger than the club and how they can recover from losing a big name who wanted to leave. Let Torres go, get the money and plan ahead how they'll use it in the Summer. Champions League has already gone so it really doesn't matter that the transfer would leave them without time to buy someone else.
  20. Spurs being hilarious at the moment. Hope the either come back to win 4-3 or they lose 8 nil. I also hope they defend like this in champions league and get really embarrassed.
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