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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Do gold star lesbians bully bronze star lesbians? If you go to a lesbian club does everyone have to wear a badge identifying what class of lesbian they are? It's all much more complicated than I had imagined.
  2. If he's sat next to Alan Shearer he'll still seem like a football knowledge god.
  3. Like others I haven't seen that much, I already had a few downloaded ready to watch though. I don't really care that much anyway. Sometimes there is a film I really like that I hope doesn't go overlooked or a big hit I want to see brought down a peg or two. Not this year. The ones I've seen are decent.
  4. I used to like Hansen a lot more, he's got lazy now though, I don't think he cares most of the time.
  5. Fixed .com As far as I could tell the mostly bad anti-women jokes had nothing to do with Lesley's situation / post.
  6. Got home from work and Blackpool were 2 up and Ipswich were holding Arsenal. Tune in to the Blackpool game to see United have just scored and then I get to see them score two more in the following few mins. Then I read BBC and see Arsenal have score 2. Fuck Football, it's shit. That pen call at 2-0 is pretty significant now. Can't see United losing the lead now, things are just going their way this season. Surprised about Andy Gray, the new footage of him doesn't make him more of a sexist, just means he's been caught more than once. I'm not sure of the logic of keeping Keys and firing him. Although I did hear Keys phoned the lineswoman to apologise and Andy did fuck all. He was an awful pundit anyway. I can't believe his analysis would ever be described as "in-depth". I think there's plenty of rules he doesn't really know. He's said before that he sees his job primarily rather as a promoter of the product than as someone who gives honest analysis of what he's seen. His biggest problem right there. His comment that Messi couldn't play against Stoke really should have been enough to get fired. Much worse than this sexism stuff. I'm not saying there are loads better on tv, almost all tv punditry is awful. There aren't enough football journalists used on tv. Sure ex players give some good insight but there tactical knowledge is often found wanting. A mixture of the two on tv panels would be good. From what I've seen it seems to work well on Sky's La Liga coverage. I dream of the Football weekly podcast crew being handed the reigns to a major tv football show.
  7. The question is, why is your skin dying so much?
  8. There are loads of girls on the internet. If you want I can PM you some links to prove it.
  9. It's always a gamble. I think Holloway would probably prefer to keep him for the sake of stability but if he's kicking up a fuss it's not worth it, especially from your captain. His good form really seems to just be that can pass the ball well and he's been doing it. He's scored 4 goals I think 3 of which were pens and he has 4 assists too. It's not like he's done anything really amazing. Blackpool have been great for the way they've played as a team not because of one or two individuals.
  10. It would be good money for Blackpool which could be useful in strengthening ahead of that difficult second season. But if Adam continues to impress people they should be able to get decent money in the summer too. I feel Holloway does genuinely believe 4m is way too low though. As said above it's hard to see a player staying anywhere too long once he's decided he wants to go.
  11. I did mean to enter a list this year but I didn't get round to it. Maybe I should go through all the lists and pick the one I like best, then become Deathpool supporter of that user.
  12. Yeah Liverpool are a big club, but I really don't see them having much success in the coming years. I don't see what the big attraction to sign for them would be. On another forum I read this description of Charlie Adam - Pretty on the money I think.
  13. I like that you've numbered your entrants, yet you still managed to have 21. Unless Ozzy and Bruce Forsyth are the same person. He's also cheated by selecting all people named Stephen Hawking and not just one!!!
  14. ouch, that's definitely not a good way of ending a relationship.
  15. Anyone signing for Liverpool at the moment is an idiot. An idiot who has no soul, all good people want to see Liverpool get relegated just for the laughs. I really don't see the appeal of mid-season transfers to players. You miss out on completing something you've started and you also are forced to settle into a new club (plus living in a new city) much quicker than if you move in the summer. Adam should finish the season enjoy the Blackpool celebrations for staying the premiership then move on in good terms. Financially it easy to see why he's tempted to leave. Blackpool's wage budget really isn't premiership level and he could significantly increase his earnings if he does. Maybe he's worried people will soon realise he's actually not that good.
  16. I would love to see them both get sacked, no way it will happen though.
  17. I've only read the first few chapters but it's reading very nicely so far. He gives interesting background on some of the individuals who were very important and although a lot of it is talk about formations and positions it has so far not become overly dry and factual like you might think it would.
  18. Jonathan Wilson's columns are great too, informative in a way virtually all TV pundits fail to be. I'm always happy when he's one of the guests on Football Weekly.
  19. I've just started reading the book "Inverting the Pyramid" by Jonathan Wilson. Anyone already read it? It's a look at the development of tactics in football over the last 150 years. A very interesting and enjoyable read. [edit] 3 posts in a row! - oh dear
  20. I'm sure this is very well known around here too but always worth a listen. Tim [Expanded Edition] - The Replacements - Spotify Classic alt. rock. Fantastic album.
  21. I'd have assumed most people here would have already heard In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. Great album.
  22. Revanche (2008) - IMDb Excellent film. One I definitely have to watch again. Strongly recommended.
  23. Glad you like it! The final 3 tracks on the album are really good. They have such a haunting atmosphere to them.
  24. Twitter / Kanye West: MY NEW ALBUM COMING THIS S ... So after all the good friday tracks and MBDTF at the end of last year we have the Jay Z collab "Watch the Throne" coming out soon and now apparently another new album in the summer? This guy is busy! Hopefully it's not a case of quantity over quality.
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