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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Yeah I would have thought there would have been more hype around her. Have you heard her first album? If yes, Is it as good?
  2. Just tuned in to Madrid - Mallorca. Real struggling to score again. If they drop points tonight La Liga is pretty much over.
  3. Just finished Misfits. What a productive weekend! 2nd series probably isn't quite as great as the 1st. Still excellent though.
  4. Quote on Keysy from another forum
  5. They are good, I often watch their coverage through sopcast. Warren must live in constant fear that one day all his colleagues will speak to someone in England about him a discover the truth!
  6. I find his over the top bigging up of the premiership as the "best thing that has ever happened to the world ever" a bit much. I don't think he gives much tactical insight either, but then no one on tv does really. Maybe saying he's one of the very worst is over the top as there are some shockers out there. McManaman is awful. Do you ever watch matches on the fox soccer channel? They treat Warren Barton as if he's the greatest football guru ever. He jsut seems to repeat whatever has been commonly said in the uk press the previous couple of weeks.
  7. Are they? I suppose Keys does the anchor role well but Gray is one of the worst pundits on tv.
  8. An album I've fallen in love with over the last few weeks. Sharon Van Etten - Epic - SpotifyFolk singer songwriter with a wonderful voice and a great ear for melody.
  9. The decision for the first goal was definitely correct. Even if she'd got a big call wrong, it's not like all the male officials we have are immune to making mistakes. Funny that they've taken the old joke about women and the offside rule to be an undeniable fact.
  10. That match was so awesome. Absolutely fantastic Richard Keys and Andy Gray are such charming men...http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/01_04/sky.mp3
  11. I thought it was a decent game. Neither garbage nor a great example of Premiership football. Somewhere in the middle.
  12. I've finished season 3 of Breaking Bad. Excellent show. I don't quite rate it as one of the very best (i.e not Wire, Mad Men, Sopranos good.) but it's right up there in terms of pure entertainment. Some great acting too. Ca't wait for the next season. I started watching Misfits yesterday and I've already got half-way through series 2. This show is so much fun. Very silly, but really funny and addictive.
  13. Only one match today and it's Blackburn - West Brom. What the fuck is up with that? No SPL game either. This is almost as bad as an international friendly weekend. I might even have to go outside. I know if I watch this match it will be a dull 0-0 but if I don't bother it will probably be a cracking 3-3.
  14. Big game for Hearts on Wednesday if they're going to be real title challengers. I would love to see them win it.
  15. Bad hangovers when you haven't drunk much the night before. It's one thing to wake up feeling like shit knowing you deserve it because you drank a stupid amount. But But it occasionally happens (like today) that I wake up with a stinking headache after only drinking a few beers the night before. As people say to referees, all I want is consistency!!
  16. What a fucking mong. Not for falling into the fountain, but for thinking it's some kind of traumatic event. Nobody went to her aid? There was no one around and she was up and out of the fountain in seconds. Amazing some people can have so little sense of humour about themselves.
  17. oh fuck this! and I just spent at least a minute trying to see how I spelt pedantry wrong
  18. You pedantry is much appreciated. Awful mistake! Oor Wullie was for Sunday afternoons at the grandparent's house. The Sunday Post is definitely a grandparents paper. The Broons were ace too. Actually I might have to phone my Mum and ask where this year's christmas annual is!
  19. Not really my thing, but I do have a collection of the American Splendour comics by Harvey Pekar which I really like. I got into those after seeing the film when it came out a few years back. Oh and I was a regular Beeno reader in my younger days. And in more affluent weeks I would double up with the Dandy. Numbskulls!
  20. I haven't but you're the third person I've seen mention it since I made that post! I thought the first two Spiderman films were generally very highly thought of and rated as some of the best comic book movies out there by comic book fans. On that topic, the Spiderman reboot if fucking pointless. The previous franchise has only just finished!
  21. if you like good food, good fun, and.... a whole load of crazy crap on the walls, come to uncle moe's family feedbag
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