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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I have two. I'll donate the movie but I think I'll keep the collection of scary halloween episodes.
  2. "I didn't think you could eat raw chicken?"
  3. on the money! All the Bourbon hate is making me angry though. The all time greatest biscuit.
  4. This should be used for a panel show style game of "this is the answer, what is the question?" So many possibilities.
  5. Then why did I have the bowl Bart? Why did I have the bowl?
  6. I hope you're right, they are the better team. I can just see Liverpool pulling something out of the hat to get them excited.
  7. Amazed to see that some of the media still refer to Lolerplol losing any match as a shock. Some people still seem to think that they've been losing for reasons other than the players being shit. I expect them to raise their game and beat Everton at the weekend though. Then all the fans can get excited about how King Kenny has turned it around. Then they'll lose their next match. There'll still be plenty to enjoy over at red and white kop - the forum where Rafa is God.
  8. wrong, plain digestives are awesome. Might be one of the only things that is made worse by the addition of chocolate.
  9. Scott Pilgrim Vs the World. I really liked this. So much fun 9/10
  10. No direct link between the two, but it still highlights how ridiculous and irresponsible the rhetoric used by the tea party is.
  11. The Social Network - pretty good 8/10
  12. I'm sure most people have heard about this by now BBC News - Shot US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords 'doing well' Unsurprisingly this list has now been removed from Sarah Palin's website Sarah Palin's PAC Puts Gun Sights On Democrats She's Targeting In 2010
  13. At first I thought splitting the final HP book into two films had to be a money making move. It may have been, but looking at it now it looks like an equally wise artistic decision. I really liked the latest one and it's right up there as one of my faves of the series but I find it a littel curious that someone who didn't like the previous 6 sees this as so much better,
  14. I've watched the first few episodes of Breaking Bad. It's really quite good. Excellent first episode, I can't imagine people not being hooked in after seeing it.
  15. Do a bit more exercise, but who doesn't say that? Most importantly I have to decide soon whether I'm going to continue living in Barcelona after the summer. And if I leave, where do I go? Don't really have anything else more specific. Oh, pay off my credit card bill that's been lingering around for some time.
  16. It aint perfect but still the best major daily out there.
  17. Obviously they've been the best of the bunch, but earlier in the season they were throwing points away almost every week and even recently when in general they've been better they still provide us with the occasional piece of crap like their performance against WBA. I'd just be really annoyed if I had to hear the team and fans going on about how they were so great no one could beat them. They're nowhere near the unbeaten arsenal side in quality or recent Chelsea or Utd title winning sides that weren't unbeaten. Obviously the fact I really hate them doesn't help. Fergie should bring back becks, then I'd support them all the way!
  18. Just skimmed all the pages since I was last here. Agree with everyone about how shit of an idea going back to 10 teams is. I've stated before my support for a 16 team league but the SPL don't seem to be reading am-music looking for my wisdom so there's probably not much point going over it all again. Good festive period for the dons, just marred a bit by that goodwillie goal. I'm pretty confident about the rest of the season now. Don't really know what to say about Chelsea, how can they be so bad? Still don't think Ancelotti should be sacked although every time I expect the recovery to start another inexplicable result comes along. United are going to win the title, I just hope they do eventually lose a match. It would be awful to see this shit team celebrate being unbeaten through a whole season. Thankfully Liverpool will always be around to brings the laughs. I think they let Hodgson see out the season if he was going to hover in mid-table but now I think the board will actually be worried about relegation I expect to see him booted out soon enough. Will Houllier get sacked? Hasn't he only been there a couple of weeks? Pretty amazing how awful he's been. Avram shouldn't be sacked after last night. Teams with players that bad will always lose a few games like that. It was their first loss in five games so he should be given a little longer.
  19. You shouldn't have to, the non jumpers should be making excuses for their behaviour.
  20. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! Just had a nice jump around my room after hearing that goal go in on the radio. A win on Saturday would make this a great festive period and start to CB's reign.
  21. You're in for a treat. I watched all of them earlier this year. I hope it comes back soon.
  22. Finished it all now. I'd definitely place it firmly as my second favourite show behind The Wire. (Sopranos now down to 3) It's hard to compare the seasons as I watched them all in a short space of time and went straight from one to the next. The last few episodes of season 3 are really great though The episodes where Betty discovered the truth about Don's past and when the Kennedy assassination happens are examples of writing and acting of the highest standard. The finale with the take over / break away was really exciting and set the show up to go on a different path in season 4, which ended up working extremely well. After downloading all the seasons I'm going to buy them now. I'll pick up the 1-3 boxset in one of the deals around just now.
  23. Just finished all of Mad Men. It's so brilliant. Season 4 of that was easily the best thing shown this year. Treme was also really great and I look forward to seeing it develop, it would have been my clear no.1 if I hadn't got into Mad Men this last month. Boardwalk Empire was mostly just alright with a ton of wasted potential. Best of UK tv was The Apprentice which was just ace this series up until the last couple of episodes.
  24. I saw very few new films this year. Toy Story 3 was the pick of the bunch though.
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