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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Messi just missed a chance I could have scored!
  2. Call centres and their stupid automated recordings. In Spanish.
  3. OK now I really want TP Mazembe to win. Awesome celebrating from the keeper here
  4. Blackpool - Spurs off too. A potentially great day has been ruined It could however still be the best weekend ever if Inter lose to that team from the Congo tonight!
  5. Craig Gorgon just made the save of the season. Outstanding.
  6. Oh fuck, Chelsea - United is off I really thought it was only the north of Scotland that was having weather problems just now. I hope the other games survive. I was planning on being hungover and watching football from my bed most of tomorrow.
  7. Hearing that Nicki Minaj verse on Monster for the first time was definitely one of my fave musical moments of the year! The POWER > All of the Lights > Monster is definitely the strongest section of the album for me but the quality is still really great all the way though.
  8. So 2010 was a pretty great year for music, I probably listened to more new music this year than any other. However it wasn't all about new music, I've also been introduced to some great stuff of the past that I really should have listened to before. First, The Replacements. I have to admit I hadn't even heard of the band until a few months ago. Somehow great albums like Tim and Let it Be had completely passed me by. Awesome band. I was aware that Neil Young is always talked about as an all time great but for some reason I had always assumed he is over rated without really listening to him to me. I've only heard On The Beach but it really is great and worthy of the praise it gets. In a similar vein I'd always been kind of dismissive of the Rolling Stones. I think because Mick Jagger comes across as an annoying twat. However now that I've actually heard Exile on Main Street I'll be much more forgiving of him. Fucking awesome album.
  9. That makes more sense. Wire definitely comes across as a twat at times. JDB never seems anything other than pleasant.
  10. Can't lose with either of those. I'm only in the middle of season 3 of Mad Men but it's already jumped above The Sopranos into 2nd spot behind The Wire as the best TV Drama ever.
  11. So the 2022 world cup might be in winter. Surely if Qatar hosting the competition requires it to be moved from the usual time, that should have been made clear and a factor in the bidding process. I thought their space age air-conditioning would solve the heat problem anyway? Right, I'm pretty excited about this weekend of football. The dons wont lose so it's already pretty good before it's started. Barca - Espanyol game should be very interesting on Saturday night. Espanyol's good record in recent seasons against Barca and their great form, especially at home this season means it is likely to be one of the toughest games Barca play this season. A pretty great line up of matches in the Premiership on Sunday. Even West Brom - Wolves could be well worth watching. I just hope Man U don't win.
  12. Just got Paul Cary - Ghost of a Man. It's really great. If I'd got it earlier it probably would definitely get a high position in my list.
  13. Fuck no, Journal for Plague Lovers is their best record after The Holy Bible! Released only last year.
  14. If Arsenal keep defending the way they have been of late, they could be humiliated. Inter-Bayern is interesting, last years finalists who are both having bad seasons this year. United should get through, Chelsea will if they are back to their normal level, if not Copenhagen could give us a surprise. Tottenham - Milan looks like on of the most interesting. I'd go for Milan to edge it.
  15. Unlike now.... Although surerly a strong third team would be closer if they play half as many games against the old firm. Not if three teams get relegated automatically, that would definitely involve at least 5 or 6 teams if not more. A very negative view imo. A revamped league could spark more than enough interest to create a general increase in attendance that would cover any loss from less old firm games. The smaller teams would only be losing one game from 3 to 2. The financial benefits of playing the old firm is not that big.
  16. 16 team league with summer football. With a break in the middle that can be adjusted / extended when there are big championships. Something like March to June and August to November. Go back to the days of the league cup being over and done with quickly so the final can be a nice show piece before the mid season break and then have the scottish cup through the second half. One other national league below that with regionalised leagues lower down. 3 teams from 16 get relegated automatically.
  17. "Fat Coke" is a pet hate of mine too. My mum always says it,
  18. Barry Glendenning does that, so it's ok.
  19. I agree that the US office has developed into it's own show and isn't any more comparable to the UK Office than any other US comedy. I's just not as funny But I'd put the UK office above every other comedy bar the Simpsons.
  20. It's an old argument, probably not worth getting into again. But the correct answer is always UK office is the best.
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