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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Bristol City | match report | Thisisbristol Sports journalism at it's best.
  2. It amazes me how angry people get over the X-factor. I've read some pretty stupid things about BiffyGate last night. (Not on here). Good songs are sung on X-Factor all the time, I don't see why anyone should think differently of the original just because it's been covered by a bland pop wannabe. I'm sure they did a whole show of Beatles songs once, it didn't make me throw Revolver out of the window. As for Muse, their first two albums are so much better than what has followed. I can't listen to them now. The early day Radiohead comparisons were always lazy and off the mark. And the Radiohead and Coldplay comparison Ok there is some logic to it, Colday have about 50 songs trying to be Fake Plastic Trees, but still
  3. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSI I'd pay to watch him run around with ball on a pitch by himself.
  4. If Madvillain get around to releasing LP2 next year, that would be awesome.
  5. Will Chelsea ever win a game again? In better football news, I'm going to Camp Nou tonight. I'm hoping for a good game, Sociedad have been the surprise package of la liga this season. Absolutely loads of their fans around town today too so there should be a bigger away crowd than normal and so hopefully a little more atmosphere too.
  6. Why do the people running Scottish football have an aversion to the number 16? And the Dons squad isn't that bad. We're in a bad situation but I really don't see us getting relegated. If we find some full backs in January then we could get up to mid table.
  7. Radiohead Deerhoof Cut Copy Battles Gang Gang Dance Mos Def Portishead Panda Bear
  8. Well that's a couple of days of optimism out of the window. Brown's got a big job on his hands.
  9. Stringer Bell making predictions for premiership matches. BBC Sport - Football - Lawro's Premier League predictions There's something just not right about it.
  10. Are you sure? I think it was this year.
  11. Fully confirmed now. Nice start to the weekend
  12. Oh ok, I assumed you didn't get to. I was probably thinking of people who worked in / near more dangerous countries. Now I'm a little jealous.
  13. Morely shouldn't be listened to for anything.
  14. I'd be pretty gutted if I had to go to a really interesting country like that but couldn't see any of it and instead had to sit on an oil rig. I would take the money though.
  15. I think I wont be checking out that album. Yuck.
  16. pfft, my top ten was better pretty surprised to see that Knife opera in there. I don't think I'd ever seen anyone rate it better than a mixed bag and DiS wouldn't have been who I expected to rate it so highly. I'm not sure if I even listened to it from start to finish (of both halves) once. A couple of really great tracks though. As usual metacritic is collating top 10 lists from loads of different publications. http://features.metacritic.com/features/2010/music-critic-top-ten-lists-best-of-2010/ Still don't get what everyone loves about the Arcade Fire and Sufjan albums. Suburbs is one of the disappointments of the year but does have a few good tracks. Adz is just BAD. And who the hell are These New Puritans?? I've never heard of them until a few days ago but they seem to be a popular choice for one of the best albums of the year. Any Good?
  17. I'm very happy and quite surprised with Brown. I really didn't think the job would attract someone like him with the club the way it is at the moment.
  18. I've never been to New York but I'd love to visit. Not sure if it's the kind of place I'd choose to live. Cities that big are kind of daunting. It would definitely be exciting with how many possibilities you'd have every day though. Definitely go down to B'more and score some WMD in the pit though.
  19. Are you having fucked up dreams too? I had to take Malarone (I think) for a 5 month period and during almost the entire time I was having very vivid and unusual dreams Which is apparently a common side affect, better than losing your hair though, which happened to a girl I met.
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