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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Yeah Deano definitely got multiple reds for game. We got humped 5-0 too I think, maybe it was 5-1. Roy Aitken's last game before being sacked and it was live on scotsport. Bad day.
  2. Both of Messi's assists for Villa were really great. All the handbags got a bit silly at times, but that's what you get in games as big as these. Things were made worse after the cron/pep incident by Valdes running half the pitch to start fighting. He always does that, I think he gets bored standing in goal doing nothing. Sergio Ramos is a cock, but everyone already new that.
  3. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA Wonderfully ace. Football can still be great @ Madrid
  4. My favourite football ground snack are the steak bridies at Dunfermline. Always the highlight of a trip to East End Park. I haven't seen anything of the Dons game from this weekend, but all the reports make it sound like we were completely awful once again. I'm getting very worried about relegation now. Chelsea desperately need Lampard and Essien back. It's hard to believe how thin their squad has become. They have one of the weakest subs benches in the top half of the league. Spurs, Man U and Arsenal all coming up in the next 4 games. If the slump continues they could find themselves well off the pace. I'm really looking forward to tonight's match, which probably means it will be very dull. Which I wont mind, if Barca win. I hope Real go for it, there's a lot of talk the they'll go defensive and play for a draw or hope to snatch 1 on the break. It'd be ace to have an open game where Messi and Ronaldo can play at their very best.
  5. I really feel like I'm missing out on something genuinely important as I have never tasted a rugby park pie.
  6. Thanks for the spoiler. Seriously that sounds awful no I know I should never watch that film.
  7. pffft, that's what all the house invading junkies play. No originality.
  8. which song did he play? details are important
  9. Any person with Berbatov in their team doesn't deserve the points. Everyone should have subbed him weeks ago. He's been rubbish. It's the people who forget about their team and don't look at it for months at a time that won today.
  10. nothing wrong with the so called bro shake
  11. About the puns, I agree with this
  12. I may have just picked well but I've never really been disappointed by a Vonnegut novel. I suppose Timequake wasn't as great as the others but it was still a good read. For some reason I haven't read any of his short story collections. Is there any consensus on what is the best one? My vote for best short story collection would be The Dubliners.
  13. Vonnegut is really great. Perhaps my favourite author. Although two titles mentioned in this thread are among the few I haven't read. The obvious classics "Slaughterhouse 5" and "Cat's Cradle" his best, imo. I love everything I've read though.
  14. Italian football used to be so great. I still have a soft spot for it, I like seeing Italian teams do well in Europe. Not having Sky when I was growing up I was able to see more football from serie A than any other league. Football Italia on serie A was awesome. The magazine was the best around too.
  15. South African accent, the white one. Worst accent by far. I have no problem with Irish accents. Scouse for worst British accent.
  16. Paranoid Android


    I'm sure it does in part, it really is hard to make accurate comparisons when those sports are structured so differently in many ways to football in Europe. But really even if it did increase variety in winners, I wouldn't be happy with it. I might just be stuck in my ways, but I think the league system is fine and it genuinely rewards the best team in a country over the course of (almost) a year.
  17. A guy has just ran onto the pitch in the Panathinaikos - Barca match and ran towards (i think) Messi, stopped a few yards away from him, stared and gave him the middle finger, then ran away. Great stuff.
  18. The American phrase is "Like I could care less", isn't it? Which is still kind of annoying but not as bad as the way some stupid brits mix the two. The American pronunciation of aluminium is one of the worst.
  19. Paranoid Android


    Scottish football needs changing but I'd be completely against the playoff system. Firstly as has been stated the point of a league is that the team with most points is the champion. We have cup competitions for knock out football. Play-off's would only serve to make many (if not most) regular season games less meaningful and often pretty dull. Plus it would still be won by an old firm side in the end anyway. I'm not sure how the play-off system would give us that much of a greater variety in winners. Salary caps and the trading and drafting of players in US sports are what provides the variety.
  20. What advantages does this motor car have over, say, a train which I could also afford?
  21. The Miz? What a shit name for a wrestler.
  22. Haha, that seems so blatant, especially the second one. Why wasn't the keeper taking it? I don't know why Suarez was complaining so much, the time wasting probably stopped his team from conceding a fifth.
  23. I'll try and give both a listen. After having a casual interest for some time, it's really only been this year that I've got strongly into hip-hop so I've been mainly occupied with a lot of "classic" albums from the past. I'm sure there is lots from this year I've missed out on. Anyone heard Curren$y's Pilot Talk 2? Pilot Talk 1 has a few tracks I really like. Black Milk - Album of the year is probably the only other from this year I've properly listened to. It's pretty good too.
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