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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Before I was behind him staying, but after thinking about it more over the last couple of days and then after tonight's result I am worried that the difference between keeping McGhee and getting a new coach who can motivate and organise the players might be relegation.
  2. "copy for new employer" I'd be surprised if he needs that any time soon.
  3. Time for Mark to go, I've only just got home so I didn't actually see the game, except the last 10 mins but I think he had to show he could get a reaction from the players after the celtic game if he wanted to keep his job. Sometimes Malaria can be nothing more than a headache and feeling sick for a couple of days. It's usually only pure bad shit if it's not treated, or not treated correctly. Whatever, it's no match the Drog.
  4. It sounds pretty black and white to me. No file sharing = black jazzy jeff. File sharing = white bad religion.
  5. Just the preachy holier than thou tone of it.
  6. I found the article annoying very early on so I didn't bother finishing it.
  7. I think you meant to put this in the ace-ic thread.
  8. Fergie will probably have a say but he does get on well with Jose. I think he'd be a perfect replacement for them. The pressure of taking over from Ferguson would probably be too much for most but obviously not for Jose and his super ego. He would be short term but he could provide a buffer between the Fergie era and someone else who takes over with the intention of sticking around for a long time.
  9. In times like this the answer is always to get a foreign coach. They're always better. Rachid Belabed as a new player / coach.
  10. Ebbe Skovdahl was ace. My favourite dons manager!
  11. Get him to Aberdeen. Jose is definitely one of my very favourite people in football. Unfortunately since Chelsea he's managed teams I dislike and will probably continue that by going to United in a couple of years.
  12. Scott Leitch is terrible. His advice in football manager is awful. Best move I've ever made is sacking him. I expect McGhee to go pretty soon, if not after the Caley game then after another humping at Ibrox at the weekend. I have no idea who would replace him. Hopefully any change would at least give us enough of a lift to avoid a relegation battle.
  13. 18 points pathetic week. This has been an awful weekend of football all round
  14. Fuck off Aberdeen, fuck off. Arsenal are playing shite today.
  15. Good Will Hunting On the train home from work last night I was sitting next to some maths students trying to solve a problem and that made me want to watch this. Good film even if it does come across like it was written purposely to win an Oscar. Interesting characters and good acting though. 7.5/10
  16. So the Dons are going to get at least 5 penalties today right?
  17. The Strokes - Is this it? Listened to this for the first time in ages. It's so good.
  18. You guys like music huh? We should ask the mods for a music sub-forum like we have for Movies & TV and Sport.
  19. Their records are great. They've been by far my most listened to band of the last week and I've got to know some of the albums I wasn't as familiar with before. They're moving closer and closer to one of my very favourite bands. fwiw this track is one in which the drumming really stands out, to me anyway. Not so sure about the video....
  20. There's a very old bar in the center of the city here that is famous for being a place where Ernest Hemmingway, Dali, Gaudi and some other famous folk would go to drink absinthe. I think the absinthe they sell today is more or less the same as in the past. Each person is only allowed to drink a maximum of two though.
  21. It is really great when Chelsea are on form and both Boswinga and Cole are bombing forward on each wing. But Ivanovic coming forward and scoring goals himself makes up for him not attacking as regularly. He should be given a permanent place in the team jsut for those two champions league goals against Liverpool.
  22. If the rumourstabloids are right about City wanting Dani Alves, Chelsea should flog Boswinga to Barca. He'll spend all the match in the other team's half like Alves but spend less time flopping around.
  23. I would have thought even if you liked them it would be something you kept quiet.
  24. Milan have loads of really ace people on their team. Most of them are about 50 too, which makes them even better. Just seen that Marseille stopped scoring after 63 minutes. Rubbish. You've got to really go for double figures from that position.
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