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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Belting counter attack goal. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEBO! Oh and that pompey guy makes me want them to go bust.
  2. Ew, that sounds awful. Although everything else I've read in this thread has made me very interested to visit. I look forward to sampling a few of their pints next time I'm in Aberdeen.
  3. So Rooney's staying. This story exploded out of almost nothing and has ended just as quickly.
  4. I dunno, being below Train on any list must be pretty embarrassing
  5. Well his point about Rooney being a bit of a dick is definitely good. It's an interesting side affect of all of this that it makes Ronaldo look very professional in comparison. I'm not saying I ever thought otherwise of him but it's not something he usually gets credit for.
  6. Was he? I actually had no idea what his point was for half of that rant. Still great though, one of the best managers around. I'm not quite sure how he would like contracts to work, but if he was suggesting a change back to a system where players aren't free agents even once a contract has expired then that's just nonsense, even if it brings it's downsides.
  7. If only this was true Stop presses: Rooney maybe moving Down Under? - USATODAY.com
  8. On to the weekend, I see the Dons are playing in an early kick off on Saturday. Nice way to ruin the weekend 2 hours earlier than normal.
  9. So after all the arguing we've decided Gareth Bale is a good football with lots of potential. Good thing we got that cleared up.
  10. One thing is certain, Welsh left midfielders > English left midfielders
  11. Fergie will be happy that the attention of Aberdeen Music has been diverted from the Rooney issue thanks to this Gareth Bale furore.
  12. except the teams who already have better left sided midfielders
  13. Iniesta normally plays on the left of Barca midfield three.... I do understand the argument for Bale though, If you're speaking about a specificly defined role.
  14. I'm generally a big fan of snow, but I'm still pissed off about the snow that made me take 8 hrs to get home from (cancelled) work in March.
  15. Unfair to consider Cronaldo a left sided midfield player for the case of this argument I think. Wish Bale was in my CL fantasy team as well as my premiership one.
  16. I'm no fan of fancy coffee shops with silly coffees with silly long names but I have to laugh at people suggesting instant or filter coffee is "Real Coffee" in comparison. Real coffee comes from an Espresso machine!
  17. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/movies-tv/62597-cant-wait-boardwalk-empire.html
  18. I really liked this too.The type of role Clooney is just great at. And Miller's Crossing is easily better than a 7!
  19. I think it's more a case of La Liga has been getting worse but isn't quite as bad as the SPL yet. The last couple of years in La Liga have been extreme seasons but these happen. In the premiership in 04-05 Everton in 4th place were closer to the relegation zone than top spot. In the last ten years La Liga and the Premiership have had 3 winners and the SPL two, there's not really a whole lot of competition for the top spot in any of the major leagues. And with it only being a few years ago Barcelona struggled to finish 4th you could argue that La Liga has had more variation in the top places than premiership. (Up until the last couple of years). That's all going a bit off topic but my point is, it's either way overstating the problems of La Liga or underestimating the problems of the SPL to say the situation in Scotland isn't as bad yet when it's been over 20 years since a non Old-Firm team won the title.
  20. Completely agree with the above few posts, I'd move the season so it plays spring to autumn too.
  21. His reputation is certainly taking a battering, which makes me think he'd be best getting out of England and away from it all for a bit. Peter Crouch could point him in the right to direction to find a prozzie in Madrid.
  22. Speaking about Kima, isn't her girlfriend an annoying moany bitch? Marla Daniels too. These girls need to shut up and let their (wo)men get on with being good PO-lice. I was very happy both were largely written out as the story went on.
  23. I think the lived in England for quite a while, France too I think. I remember seeing him interviewed on the culture show once when he was in Edinburgh. I was amazed the day I found out Stringer Bell is English. Did anyone ever see the bbc cop show "Luther" he was in? If so was it any good?
  24. YES OH YES! Talking of season two highlights you can't forget Omar in court. "I've got the gun, you got the briefcase. All in the game though, right?" Awesome. Carver's story arc is great. The changes in him never feel rushed or unbelievable. That scene when he as to walk away from Randy "You gonna look out for me?" How do people feel about Kima? I really liked her in the first season especially but I think she becomes a little superfluous at times later on. And the big question. favourite version of the opening song? I'd probably go for the Tom waits original. But I really like season 1 and 5 versions too.
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