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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I only ever hear great things and I have recently got my hands on season 1. I haven't started watching it yet.
  2. Well well, I went to work thinking there was some truth in the story but the papers were likely blowing it all out of proportion as usual. I was quite surprised to read about that press conference when I got home. I'm not sure I can see him at City or Real but also I can't see any other club buying him. Moving to city would be kind of hilarious, maybe a united fan would throw a pig's head at him ala Figo. How much do you think he'll go for? The publicity around the situation means that clubs know they don't have to spend silly money to force him out. Although City and Real could still try and outbid each other with crazy amounts. But I expect him to go for something like 35m. (I've just realised I've suggested 35m isn't silly money for a football player, modern football eh?) I'm 90% certain Mourinho will go to United one day. Which is a shame because I love him, he's awesome and possibly my favourite person in all of football. But he keeps going to clubs I hate and even worse he makes me kind of like them. I'd probably be happy for Liverpool to win if Jose was their boss. I've just seen highlights of tonight's games, a few cracking goals. Zhirkov and Wilshere both scored great goals. Wilshere is looking more and more immense. Wenger may have just kept Cesc for long enough before Wilshere can take over his role.
  3. ok, 1 free day a week where other tv can be shown. Christy, that's interesting that you picked Cutty as such a favourite character. What do you like about him so much? The first time I watched it he was actually one of my least favourites but he has grown on me a lot after re-watching. Still I wouldn't rank him as high as the others I already mentioned. It is amazing how many great well written characters there are in one show. One character who doesn't get enough credit is Frank Sobotka. Only in one season but he was great. I might have found the adjustment to the new characters tougher in season 2 if he wasn't so great. I also love how some characters that become very important later on make minor appearances earlier in the show, like Clay Davis, Colvin, Prop Joe etc. On some shows you feel they just create new characters on a whim if things are getting dull. The way the wire slowly introduces many of the characters is one of the best examples of how well written the show is.
  4. He has some options but it seems like he is set on Villa playing that left position and cutting in. I think I've only ever seen Pedro on the right but I don't see any reason why he couldn't play on the left. Iniesta has sometimes played further forward as part of the front 3 and been very effective too. I think if Fabregas had signed he may have used that option more.
  5. Yeah I have, it was excellent too. The first couple of episodes I found a bit slow but by the end I was completely engrossed. A real heartbreaking story. The epilogue with the real people the stories are about was a great way to end it. I haven't read the book but I've read the homicide book which is a great read and much more of a page turner than I ever would have imagined. The first season of Treme was excellent too. David Simon and friends should be cloned so they can make all TV programmes.
  6. I made a similar mistake while waiting for season 5 to come out on dvd and had Omar being killed spoiled for me I watched Generation Kill not that long ago too, it was excellent.
  7. Since it's a show that finished it's final season a few years ago anyone who hasn't already watched it should know they'd likely see a spoiler if they come in the thread. I'll edit my post anyway to be safe. [EDIT] it appears I can't. Is it not possible to edit posts you made the day before?
  8. Injury follows Van Persie wherever he goes
  9. I'm watching all the seasons again for what I think is my 5th go round. Just finished season 1. So I'd thought I'd revive this thread because you can never talk too much about the wire. I'm still in awe of how good this show is. How would everyone rank the seasons? At the moment I'd say 4>1=2>3>5 4 and 5 are pretty fixed in those positions. The writing in season 4 is just spectacularly good. Top 5 characters? It's almost too hard but off the top of my head... 1. Bubbs 2. Stringer 3. Omar 4. McNulty 5. Bunk 6. Bodie 7. Prezbo 8. Lester 9. Clay Davis 10. Prop Joe ok 5 wasn't enough. A favourite scene from each season YouTube - The Wire Clip: Bodie and Poot Kill Wallace YouTube - Jimmy McNulty just had a few drinks... YouTube - The Wire - Avon and Stringer's Rooftop Reminiscing YouTube - The Wire (Felicia 'Snoop' Pearson Store) YouTube - The Wire Jimmy McNulty's Wake!!!!
  10. I'm not really a boxing fan but I really want to see this. Nothing else really interests me.
  11. I think if Guardiola was being honest he would admit getting rid of Eto'o was a big mistake. If they had Eto'o playing now with Messi and Villa on either side they'd have pretty much the perfect forward line. They really don't have anyone to play the central role in attack. If they play Messi in the middle with Pedro on the right they drop deeper and get stuck making the little passes outside the box and become a little toothless. Two seasons when Eto'o was still there and Henry was playing well Barca had a real cutting edge to add to the intricate passing. I saw them beat Bayern 4-0 in the champions league and as well playing great possession and passing football they were also completely clinical in attack. The Arsenal like tendency to pass it forever without really having clear shots on goal is something which only really started in the last year. The deal with Ibrahimovic became even worse when Guardiola got fed up with him and decided to force him out in the summer. I thought Ibra could have still been a success at Barcelona if he had got another season. He at least would have given the team a better shape and focus point that Messi and Villa could play off.
  12. This article is a very good read End of an expensive era, but Barcelona's players prove priceless | Sid Lowe | Football | guardian.co.uk Highlights why Barcelona wont be making any big offers for Rooney, or anyone else. Hodgson does seem like a good bloke but he's showing signs of becoming mad. Liverpool just has a bad affect on people. His comments after yesterday's game were bizarre.
  13. All this Rooney talk is distracting everyone from the most important issue, laughing at Liverpool. Hodgy will be happy Wayne's taking a few of his column inches. On the topic of laughing at Liverpool, does anyone here listen to the football weekly podcast? (If you don't you should) Today's edition was hilarious.
  14. Italy definitely has a big problem but the worst incidents are usually found in league matches rather than European competition which is probably why it doesn't get as much international coverage as it might and why Uefa / Fifa don't get too involved. The Italian authorities have given out pretty tough penalties before, I remember many cases where teams have had to play behind closed doors, sometimes for long periods. It obviously hasn't been enough though. I'm not really sure the ban of English clubs can be seen as a precedent as that was a reaction to a pretty extreme situation. The difficulty for the governing bodies is that the problem must also be to an extent a social / cultural one which has found an outlet in football. Football crowds in the UK 20 to 30 years ago were extremely racist too and I'd like to think the improvement has been due to our culture and society as a whole becoming less racist and not just because football fans are scared of getting their club into trouble. The Italian FA should be very strict with clubs whose fans behave like this, but it looks like Italy has a big problem that the FA alone can't be expected to solve. What happens in some eastern European football grounds is just scary. As for Rooney, I don't expect him to leave in January but very possibly next summer. A year ago I would have said he could finish his career at Old Trafford, that certainly doesn't look likely now. Where he would go is a big question. The papers are all talking about Madrid but Mourinho has said he doesn't want to sign anyone just now. Obviously Perez wants to sign everyone in the world but if Jose's men continue to bang in the goals like the last couple of games Florentino will probably listen to him. Barca don't have / are now unwilling to spend big money. Another team in England? I don't really see it happening. Italy maybe but it would be surprising. I would guess he wouldn't be too attracted to the style over there. Juve should sign him to replace Del Piero. The worst thing for united would be he sticks around in a huff for a while and then leaves on a free.
  15. Campbell really should have taken that chance. Shit defending. Lescott is awful.
  16. Man City are pants today. I expected a lot more after yesterday's results. Thought they'd really go for it. Blackpool and West Brom are the best two teams in the league.
  17. I haven't seen it but Wenger said it was deserved which suggests there really shouldn't be any argument. Liverpool, new owners, still shit. Everton have been bossing the game but they aren't good at actually creating good opportunities so there's still a chance for Liverpool to win thanks to a deflected Gerrard strike. [EDIT] CAHILL
  18. So is Brewdog a new bar in Aberdeen that is always full of Ab-Music members?
  19. Good choice I've never seen them live, but I've heard they're great. Hopefully I'll get the chance sometime.
  20. Me too, I've always been a big fan of the ready salted crisp. It's the classic and most other flavours just seem like fancy dans trying too hard. Those ham ruffles were pretty great though.
  21. A truly awful thought, nothing would be worth that.
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