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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. or you listen to their albums more and more and they bet better and better.
  2. Yeah those are in five. The Thelma and Louise spoof episode from that season isn't one of my favourites but I'll always love it for this from Brockman At the risk of editorializing, these women are guilty, and must be dealt with in a harsh and brutal fashion. Otherwise, their behavior could incite other women leading to anarchy of biblical proportions. IT'S IN REVELATIONS, PEOPLE!
  3. This man deserves a cruel and painful death. His actions represent a complete lack of human decency. I hate this person I've never met.
  4. We don't play again until September 2011. There are internationals in March and June I think, but we don't have any games. With our last game away to Spain, I guess we have to win the next three and hope it's enough. If we approach games like we did last night, we can beat the Czechs and Lithuania at home and Liechtenstein away. [EDIT] Just realised I totally misread your post!
  5. I rep'd you for being the first person other than me!
  6. Yeah McManus really messed up with that one. Llorente couldn't have had more space and he was only 8 yards from goal.
  7. are ace. Every so often I forget this and go a little while without listening to them, then I do and I think I should listen to them every single day. I listened to Runners Four for the first time in ages the other day, I think it might have replaced Apple O as my favourite album of theirs. Great live clip
  8. Anybody been listening to their debut which came out a while ago? They seem like the sort of lo-fi pop that a few people here would enjoy. It's on spotify for anyone who's interested.
  9. Good effort from Scotland. The way we played from 0-2 to 2-2 was great and showed what we can do when we really have a go at teams. Unfortunately the only thing we can really take away from this match is that now Friday looks even more embarrassing. Points were there to be won against the Czechs.
  10. I've always loved Pique. Now more than ever.
  11. What I obviously meant was there is still time for a comeback!
  12. Fuck, from the hope of Miller's break to going a goal down in less than a minute. Not much to complain about the penalty. Players must know to keep their arms in, in those situations. We'd have definitely been shouting for it if had been the other way.
  13. We hold out for a while but end up conceding a couple, both scored by Llorente. Or they score one early and it becomes embarrassing.
  14. Yeah me too. I just watched my season 5 dvd's.
  15. After a long time people are talking about the simpsons again for something other than how shit it has become. If you haven't seen it yet, this aired in the US last week YouTube - Banksy Simpsons intro [HD] I bet there were a few shocked faces in American homes that evening.
  16. If that original thread is anything, it's not cluttered. It could use a few off topic posts.
  17. Episode 4 was the best yet!!! Hopefully this trend continues.
  18. I hadn't seen that one before, pretty great. I wonder how long it took to get right.
  19. Cool video and a decent song too. I saw them live a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I didn't really like any songs other than the few singles I already knew. And for those songs I was thinking that I'd rather be watching the videos than seeing performed live.
  20. Cheese and pizza disgusting??? That's one of the worst opinions I've ever read on here and I say that having read this earlier today!! Pizza is superstar legendary genius.
  21. Who says the word legend is overused?
  22. Going to see Citizen Kane at the cinema! :]
  23. I'll put myself on the side of confused why so many like her so much. I don't hate her but the effect she has on me ranges from very irritating (glastonbury coverage) to ok..ish (her 6 music show/ the culture show).
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