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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. for what it's worth I was sleeping at 10:10:10 today too
  2. YouTube - The Wire - Season Three Ending Montage
  3. Paul Auster - Invisible Ticked all the boxes that makes me like his work. Not as great as the new york trilogy or book of illusions, but a very good read.
  4. o_O what the fuck? Hopefully that was just some awful attempt at humour that completely failed
  5. Two favourites I'd forgotten about. I absolutely loved Mr. Benn and talking about great theme tunes it had an absolute classic! I always wanted to see the last episode of Willy Fogg but I don't think I ever did.
  6. Not a download but you can stream all of the new Darkstar album, North, on the NPR site. First Listen: Darkstar, 'North' : NPR On first listen it sounds great
  7. The drummer said thy'd do it for $20m, which at least showed a sense of humour unlike the weezer fans who have since sent death threats to the guy who did this. I'm not bothered whether they stop or not, the last 3 albums exist and nothing can change that.
  8. I've been meaning to give that a listen but haven't got around to it. How is it? As good as Nouns?
  9. Wow, that seems huge for that level. Especially in the current state of football. How long's it been since Aberdeen spent that much on a transfer fee? It's an interesting development that millionaire football fans have been pushed out of the top end of football by the arrival of the billionaires and are now taking their money down to the lower levels.
  10. Out of interest, what constitutes a "big spender" at that level? What sort of money are spent on transfer fees? Do teams with more money tend to use it more to pay higher fees or attract players with higher wages?
  11. oh fuck, i feel for you, that was shit. [edit] 1-1!!!!
  12. I remember watching a lot too. I never realised it was so old!
  13. West Brom are hardly struggling...yet.
  14. A jalfrezi is my normal pick. It can be a little hot sometimes, but I love the peppers! I've never tried any super hot curries.
  15. I loved these as well. I once had He-man wallpaper in my bedroom! I liked Hurricanes despite not wanting to like it because it was on citv and I'd decided (quite rightly) that cbbc was much better. I wouldn't rank it among the classics though.
  16. This? Because that would maybe be even better!
  17. Time for a bit of nostalgia What were you watching when you were a wee nipper? My favourite show was always I bought it on dvd a few years ago and it's still ace For so long I didn't realise that was a play on words. I thought it was the character's name in the original story too I spent a couple of years obsessed with Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles I don't really remember anything that happened in this show, but I did like it a lot. It's possible I liked the intro credits of this more than the actual show.
  18. Tuesday could be really embarrassing, although it is in these kind of situations where Scotland sometimes achieve bizarre results. Although worryingly, with Llortente playing rather than 'is he injured, out of form or just can't be arsed' Torres, Spain have a decent plan B if they get frustrated trying to pass it through a congested middle. Their 3 goals tonight were all headers from crosses out wide. Silva's goal was great.
  19. Only saw the last 10 mins of Scotland due to work, but fuck that shit. 4-6? seriously. I'm keeping an eye on the Spain game now and David Villa has just missed a sitter, almost Iwelumo bad. Although he might have actually been offside anyway. But it provides hope that we might reach our promised land of a 0-0 on tuesday.
  20. I'd love a mild curry and a G+T right now!
  21. Being at the start of a 4 day weekend!
  22. How can one not feel sympathy for Liverpool
  23. I actually haven't seen / heard much debate over the tackle at all, my previous comments were based on what commentators often speak about when a tackle is being discussed. You're right De Jong shouldn't be made a scapegoat and be given a stupid over the top ban while nothing changes in general. I just think that while the issue is under focus it's a good opportunity to start taking a tougher stance on dangerous tackles.
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