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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Liverpool have become much worse than Newcastle. I used to really dislike Newcastle, but relegation has been like a cleansing process for them in my eyes at least. Now I actually quite like them to win. And at least from what I've been exposed to, it appears that the fans have had a reality check and expectations are realistic. Actually I think Liverpool have always been worse. Talk about the greatness of "The Kop" and "unique european nights" is fucking nauseating. This sums up almost everything awful with Liverpool fans The Kop Charter Sheffield Wednesday have a "kop" I bet it's better too. At least I don't have to hear about it all the time.
  2. Ian McCulloch comparing Tom HIcks actions at Liverpool is the same as him raping every member of your family o_O
  3. I thought the idea about a facebook film was terrible at first, but everything I've read about it has made me really want to see it. Fincher has a pretty good track record, so on that alone I'll give it a chance.
  4. No of course not, but I think intent has fuck all to do with it to be honest. I think commentators and pundits should spend less time arguing about whether there is intent or whether he "got the ball" and focus on whether a challenge is reckless and dangerous. Like that Palacios tackle, he should have been sent of even if no contact was made. It has such potential to injure that it should be clamped down on. Obviously De Jong's was not that bad but it was a very dangerous challenge which had a severe result and in my opinion deserves more than a 3 game ban. On an unrelated note.. What the fuck is this?
  5. De Jong is obviously being targeted because of past actions it's true an English player wouldn't be treated the same way. But I do think a tougher stance should be taken against these kinds of challenges. "Shit happens" isn't a good enough reason for allowing players legs to be broken. Tackles like this which are clearly very dangerous should be punished harshly regardless of whether the victim was seriously injured or not.
  6. No matter how you try and describe it, a tackle which breaks a leg is not a good tackle.
  7. That play off final and Nicky Weaver's great save and celebration is one of my favourite football memories ever. I don't really remember why but I really wanted City to win that match.
  8. Brothers is one of my favourite albums of the year, it's fantastic.
  9. Lager: I'm not really fussy with Lagers, I'll drink most of them. For a good pinting session I find Fosters to be very suitable. Pilsner Urquell is good, I'll have a pint of that if I ever see it on tap. Around here most bars only have 1 tap though and it's almost always Estrella Damm or San Miguel, which are both fine. Spirits: I'm with snoop dogg on this one, you can't beat a bit of gin 'n' juice. Tanquery preferably but only if it's available and not more expensive than other options. Wine: Red and I'll always let a friend who knows better than me choose. If I have to choose my self which ever cheap bottle has a label that makes it look like it might have cost a little more.
  10. Glentoran TV is available in HD!!! At last!
  11. He also once said in an interview that women should be banned from driving, or have new roads built specifically for women drivers!!
  12. Sometimes it seems that the longer the question is, the shorter an answer he'll give. This is another favourite From knopka42 Ive already written you three letters but they havent been delivered...Well ... My name is Olga, Im 13 years old. I go out for football and Im your biggest fan..... Well, my dad does not allow me to play football but I want to- Andrey, tell me what to do? Arshavin: Listen to your Dad. Arshavin crushing the hopes and dreams of 13 year old girls everywhere! His answer about it being more important for girls to have big breasts than be able to chest a football was great too.
  13. I've seen neither of those, and yes before anyone tells me I know I should probably see Trainspotting. To be honest with No country for old men I think I was more impressed with her accent than actual acting. I thought she was alright in Intermission and the TV series State of Play.
  14. Q+A with Andrei Arshavin. This is awesome. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 part 4 part 5 I'm on part 3 and this is definitely my favourite so far... 7. From RinaBeer Hi. I am 25 years old and Im still not married. My parents are very upset about this. They say I can end up a spinster. But I dont want to get married yet. What shall I do? (Sorry if this is off topic; just want to know your opinion) Arshavin: I think I can help you. Step 1: You need to find a scruffy heavy drinker. Step 2: Once youve found him, try to persuade him to marry you. I think that for a small amount of money, he will agree to fulfill the role of your fianc Final: Bring this guy home. Tell your parents hell live with you I think next time they will think better before forcing their opinion on you.
  15. I think Kelly MacDonald has had some good moments, but I agree that I don't like her much in this. A combination of below par acting and also being one of the poorer written characters I think. It's been a while nut I remember her being very good in No Country for Old Men.
  16. Balotelli has to play just so we can see him do something mental. I really hope that Sky have cameras permanently recording at City's training ground to capture the moment that De Jong puts in a crunching tackle on Mario who will retaliate by kicking Nigel in the face. If that doesn't ever happen I might have to give up on football. City are very disappointing, they should either be failing miserably or thumping teams 5-0 every week. Squeezing past Newcastle with the help of a couple of dodgy decisions is just rubbish. I think I said this last month but what is this fucking shit of internationals being played on Fridays and Tuesdays? I hate international weekends. Last Sunday I was able to wake up hungover and watch 4 football matches in a row. What will I have this weekend? The commonwealth games? Fuck off, I'd rather take a shower and actually go outside!
  17. I'd probably go with that team too, someone needs to point out to Mancini that it would be better. Playing De Jong, Barry and Toure in every game is silly.
  18. Episode 3 was the best yet. Some Omar at last and he was great as expected. Michael Stuhlbarg's character is great, I wish he was in it more. Stuhlbarg's acting is really incredible. I've only seen him in this and A Serious Man, but they are two perfectly delivered performances of completely different characters.
  19. I rate Ireland highly and think he can rightly feel aggrieved that he was forced out of City at a time when they were throwing silly money at Villa for James Milner. I'd still take Yaya first though, he can do pretty much anything in midfield. He was often restricted to the holding position at Barca but on occasions when others were missing he showed he was more than capable of stepping up into a more creative role. I really wanted him to stay at Barca, although I am happy Laporta's habit of spending lots of money he didn't have didn't extend to matching City's ridiculous wage offer. Mancini does need to find a way of playing Silva and Johnson in the same team. Have they both started a game together yet? Johnson is just playing far too well at the moment to be left out. Preferably any solution would involve Gareth Barry being on the bench.
  20. Yaya may be earning silly money that he's not worth, but he's a much better football player than Stephen Ireland.
  21. I've seen people handing over empty crisp packets or half eaten chocolate bars at the check-out before. How impatient are these people that they can't wait until they leave the shop to open their bag of walkers crisps. Plus it can't be worth all the dodgy looks they get from the better people like me standing behind them in the queue.
  22. If they'd been willing to sell him before the world cup City would have offered something completely ridiculous and they could have replaced him with 3 or 4 top players. They could still get a lot of money for him January but his value has got to a lot less now. Their problem now though is that any player (or manager for that matter) who is genuinely good enough to play for a top 4 side would be mad to even think of signing for them. I'd be really surprised if we see Liverpool back in the champions league any time soon. Chelsea yesterday showed why I think they'll win the league again but also why it probably will be a lot closer than it could be. There are definitely some frailties in the team, but Arsenal not being able to take advantage highlights why they wont win anything, again. Although to be fair with a fit and on form Van Persie and Fabregas in the team things could have been different. But it's always a load of ifs when it comes to Arsenal. I've no idea how the Barca game finished 1-1 yesterday, they didn't necessarily have a huge amount of clear cut chances but there were countless times when they were in great positions outnumbering the defence and with players in space but then a pass was slightly over hit or not put into the the right area and the chance was gone. With a 6-1 win and a point more than Barcelona Mourinho will be very happy with himself this morning. Barcelona v Valencia in the next round of games will be a big sign as to whether Valencia can put up a proper fight for top spot. If they win La Liga will be a lot more interesting than people were expecting this season. A little too interesting for my liking!!
  23. That is how you fucking hit a football!
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