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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. We did, McArdle was playing in midfield. Although at times after we'd gone 2 up it was pretty hard to tell what formation we were playing, it was such a shambles.
  2. Pet Hate: People complaining about how football has been ruined and they can't watch it anymore.
  3. Anyone seen episode 2 yet? I enjoyed it yet again, however of the story lines beginning to develop I'm definitely more interested in the rivalry between the king pins in different cities rather than some of the more "emotional" stuff like the story with Kelly MacDonald's character. Actually I'm not enjoying her very much at all in this. Usually I find her pretty great. BUT NO OMAR!
  4. Primark does appraisals?? They weren't that organised when I worked there some years ago. Unfortunately Primark is not the worst job I've ever had.
  5. Big pet hate, people who don't like football and act like they are for some reason better than people that do. One day they'll realise the truth, that they are so much worse.
  6. Just read Engleby by Sebastian Faulks. It was alright, I like some sections of it much more than others though. Enjoyable enough but I wont search out much more of his work. Reading one of Rankin's Rebus novels now, Let it Bleed. I don't normally read much crime fiction but when I do I do find myself getting hooked. A friend had finished with a couple of his novels and passed them on. He is pretty great at what he does.
  7. The Inventor would have probably known how to use it properly.....
  8. I bet Evra and Hal would have a great conversation if they met in a bar.
  9. I hope my reference to Peter Ebdon's 1996 chart hit didn't go unnoticed!!!
  10. You can't change. In my mind you look like Patrice Evra, but you probably don't mind that. Although somehow I doubt you're any blacker than Mr C. [EDIT] Just realised I currently have a Danny Duberstein avatar.
  11. I have no idea what almost anyone here looks like, so in my head I think of people looking like their avatars. It really was quite some shock when John W's exodus photo revealed that Nefarious C doesn't look anything like Ainsley Harriot. He's not even black!!!
  12. oops, just realised this had already been posted in the pictures that make you laugh out loud thread.
  13. And from the same goalkeeper !So bad he's decided to just give up..
  14. It's actually quite normal in some parts of the city here. There are a legion of men, who up until now I'd considered thoroughly honorable chaps, providing a great service (illegally) selling cans of beer around popular outdoor drinking spots. This one went to ask one of his "colleagues" for change but then ran away. His beer was a really shitty brand too! My faith in the institution of street beer has been shattered forever.
  15. I hate it when an ATM tells me I can't take money out when I know there is definitely money in the account. Stupid fucking banks. Also a man selling beer on the street stole money from me on Friday night. I hated that too. Arsehole.
  16. Yeah Mick's one of the good guys. He was never the best pundit but certainly far from the worst and he's doing a good job with Wolves. I agree about Houllier though, wouldn't mind him getting a slap. It's those freaky french eyes.
  17. Just out of interest, what kind of thing do you consider proper degree courses? More academic courses like History, English etc? I wouldn't really say RGU is completely Business / Technology orientated as the schools for Art, Architecture and Nursing are quite a big part of it. I don't really have any strong feelings for RGU, despite going there, but I've never really understood the attitudes of some people against it.
  18. Stephen Gerrard, specifically when he's celebrating having scored a goal.
  19. I wonder how long it will be before Mourinho gets a really tough time from the press. It will get cold in Madrid soon enough though so Xabi might grow the beard back to simultaneously keep his face warm and save Madrid. I watched the first half of Hercules - Sevilla earlier, David Trezeguet baffles me. He's had a successful career in Europe's top leagues but I'm pretty sure he's shite. I'm willing to accept he was a good young player once upon a time. Championship manager told me so in 1998 and that euro 2000 goal was a belter. But almost anytime I've watched him since he's been horse. Yet frequently he has games like today where he scores a penalty after his team mate dives and then gets a goal after a shot deflects off his knee. Goes home a 2 goal hero winning the points for his team. He's definitely not as good as Scott Vernon. Sevilla will struggle for a top 4 spot this season.
  20. As expected a shitty week. Gave up 4 points to make a couple of subs for next week. I would have liked to make a couple more but I don't want to give up too many points.
  21. I've never understood the love of Karl Pilkinton or seen the appeal of his type of humour. I'll admit however I've never heard any of the podcasts or radio shows. My opinion is pretty much based on a few TV appearances where he sits next to Ricky Gervais and everyone talks about how much of an idiot he is. Actually now that I think about it I think my opinion is based more on hearing Gervais talk about him than anything I've seen/heard of Pilkinton himself. It's a shame Ricky has become this person that everyone finds annoying and has written off as having nothing to offer. I always have to give him credit though, he wrote and starred in the best UK comedy ever and that will never be outweighed by any guff that he produces in the future. I'll give the podcasts a chance. They'll give me something to listen to on the train to work.
  22. I got a Business Studies degree from Robert Gordon If I'd still been interested in that sort of thing by the time I finished uni I think it could have been a very useful degree. Surely Business degrees are given by most unis not just new one RGU types though?
  23. Ebdon is a clown. But I've never really disliked him too much and have wanted him to win on many occasions. Hated him for beating King Stephen in 2002 though. It should have been 8!
  24. Absolute shambles for the third goal. Conceding the penalty so quickly after the 2nd goal turned things against us. It was hard not to feel at that moment the game would finish this way. Bolton were great today, like West Brom yesterday they were positive and really had a go at the bigger team. 3 draws from 3 away games so far for United, must be worrying Fergie. Didn't see any of the Spanish footie last night but Madrid's struggle to score goals is becoming hilarious especially as it has led to Ronaldo shooting way over almost every time he gets the ball.
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