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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. yeah it was booed. The music to their anthem is exactly the same as God Save The Queen. Doesn't make it ok though obv.
  2. Has anyone read this article from the Independent yesterday? Horrifying stuff. Robert Fisk: The crimewave that shames the world - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent
  3. For anyone who's interested, his new album is streaming here Listen to El Guincho's new album: "Pop Negro" | Blog | Music | Remezcla.com First impressions are that it is pretty good but not as great as Alegranza
  4. Damn Argentina! They robbed us of the chance of reclaiming the unofficial world title next month
  5. This gets me too, mainly because if it's an artist I like I usually see their name first and for a brief moment think they'll be playing a proper gig. Only to be disappointed when I realise they'll just be putting on a few CD's they like.
  6. TMOE has a new EP out! iTunes only at the moment. You can listen to one of the tracks here Pitchfork: The Tallest Man on Earth Releases New EP I'm still listening to The Wild Hunt a lot. Definitely in my top 5 of the year (so far).
  7. I don't live in Aberdeen so unfortunately wont be there. On the plus side though I don't dislike the band name as much as others here. There are a lot worse out there.
  8. Colin Farrel was also in "Intermission" which is great.
  9. Is there really a lot of Chelsea fans in Aberdeen? When I was still living in Aberdeen I always felt like I was going against the crowd if I cheered a Chelsea goal in a pub. Maybe Carlo's goaltastic football has won over a lot of new fans.
  10. I actually think Rangers have the best use of stars on their shirts. That's really because I got used to the idea watching football italia back in the day. I've never liked the 2 stars on the dons shirts.
  11. Meg White is my favourite drummer mentioned in this thread so far!! My favourite drummers just now though are probably Greg Saunier from Deerhoof or ?uestlove from The Roots.
  12. I haven't read any of the books but as I understand it each film has had less and less in common with the book of the same name as events unfolded rather differently throughout the film trilogy compared to the first 3 books. I certainly would love more films of the same standard, but I don't like the idea of continuing without Damon or doing a prequel. Based on the current fashion they'll probably just start over and "reboot" the series in a couple of years anyway.
  13. I think Ultimatum definitely has the best action scenes of the three, the car chase scene towards the end is fantastic and a great example of the "shaky cam" style really working well. I think the plot isn't quite as strong as the first two though which is why Supremacy is my favourite. There seems to be mixed reports over what is happening with future films in the franchise. Personally I think they've made a great trilogy with a satisfying conclusion and they should just leave it as that. However it does seem like a fourth will be made, possibly a prequel which seems like a bad idea to me as the mystery surrounding the past and the hunt to uncover was basically what the films were about and the key events were mostly learned about in Ultimatum. Also David Webb / Jason Bourne before the events of the first film wouldn't exactly be a character you would root for. There's also been talk of it turning into a Bond like franchise where it would continue forever with the lead actor changing every few films. That just seems like a bad idea.
  14. We really should be going for it again Liechtenstein at home, so I'm pretty happy with that line-up.
  15. I've just watched the bourne trilogy, I had forgotten how great all those films are, especially the first one which I hadn't seen in a long time. They really are the cream of the crop of their genre. I'd probably say Supremacy is my favourite. Also recently watched Thank You For Smoking which I had seen once, but a while back. It's better and funnier than I remembered it being.
  16. You're right about that, with the majority of players involved playing in Europe it seems daft making them all fly to Argentina to play this game.
  17. It will probably be one of those games with a silly number of substitutions but I think most of the big names will play some part in the game. It would have been pointless travelling to Buenos Aires otherwise. I might watch the second half after the Scotland match finishes.
  18. um.....good point. Although the download is titled Prague DVD....
  19. I haven't downloaded the DVD but watched some of it on youtube. It's pretty great, it's been done amazingly well considering it was recorded by a group of fans in the crowd.
  20. Really wish I had watched that Portugal - Cyprus match!
  21. Thanks to this article Joy of Six: Footballers who have overcome humble beginnings | Paul Doyle and Tom Lutz | Sport | guardian.co.uk in the Guardian I have just read this about Brazil legend Garrincha o_O
  22. I'll download this, pretty good set list. Coincidentally yesterday I found a guy on youtube who has a whole load of full radiohead concerts in good quality. YouTube - AustinBrock's Channel The version of The National Anthem at the start of this video, backed by a brass band is awesome.
  23. I like the songs on your myspace. Good luck with the single launch.
  24. I recently watched the BBC mini-series State of Play, which was fantastic. A very gripping plot that left me wanting more at the end of each episode, I ended up watching it all in one day. Fantastic cast too, the acting was top notch. I've also just finished the HBO mini-series Generation Kill which was done by David Simon and Ed Burns. TV of the highest quality, the production, acting and writing were all fantastic. It does however leave you pretty horrified watching it knowing that all this actually happened. Also I've been going back through the seasons of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Two of my favourite comedies ever. The run of episodes at the end of season 2 of curb (The Doll - Shaq - The Baptism - The Massage) is pretty much unbeatable.
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