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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Think you might have said that before The Paraguayan Javier Arce was nicknamed "Chiqui"! Chiqui Arce, brilliant.
  2. After a bit of a break from reading novels, due to The Sopranos, The World Cup, laziness, I today started to read The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I have high expectation after hearing so many good things about it. I just got a whole load of books from a friend who is moving back to the US and can only take so many with him. Free stuff, yay!
  3. I recently watched all of the sopranos from start to finish, while I don't agree it is better than the wire, it is absolutely wonderful television. 2nd best behind the wire for me. The (relatively) new Star Trek film is awesome! Can't believe it would get any hate. One of the most enjoyable films of the last couple of years.
  4. Despite initially liking this I'm finding it a little bit forgettable and haven't had the urge to listen to it much. Maybe if there hadn't been so many very good / great albums released recently I would have given this more time. But it's far from my top albums of the year.
  5. On another message board I visit, somebody described Folly as "the worst professional footballer I've ever seen."
  6. These signings are encouraging for the dons. I'm looking forward to the Hamilton game now 8-)
  7. Surely he is far too good for the SPL. He might be a bit of a knob but some decent team must want him.
  8. Record companies have got a lot better over the last couple of years at preventing albums leaking very early. Big albums seem to leak a couple of weeks before the release date now, rather than many months like sometimes used to happen.
  9. Toy Story 3 Simply wonderful, possibly Pixar's best. 10/10
  10. In principal I kind of agree, but my actions suggest differently... The new Arcade Fire album leaked yesterday, I downloaded it:music:
  11. I signed Vassell for the dons in championship manager once, he was awesome. Undeniable proof that he would be a good signing.
  12. I think the Mystery White Boy recording is pretty great.
  13. A few I should have included before Joy Division - Closer Talking Heads - Remain in Light Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation
  14. I'm surprised to see the Arctic Monkeys mentioned a couple of times. I saw them at Reading Fest the summer just before they released their first album, they were great. (btw I can't claim any cool points for knowing them early, I had absolutely no idea who they were then)
  15. I quite enjoyed CSS when I saw them at the Connect festival a few years ago. I was disappointed by the Rapture when I saw them but I've been told by friends that they are normally great live so maybe it was just an off day.
  16. You don't rate Humbug as highly as the other two? Personally I'd say Whatever people say... is their weakest. All time favourites of mine: Radiohead - Kid A + OK Computer Beach Boys - Pet Sounds M.I.A - Kala Manic Street Preachers - Holy Bible
  17. Arab who posed as a Jew jailed for rape 'by deception' - Middle East, World - The Independent Odd case this, with the obvious tensions between the two groups I can kind of see the woman's point that she wouldn't have had sex otherwise but still, calling it rape and being an offence worthy of going to prison for just doesn't seem right. Where do you draw the line? What level of deception is a criminal offence? And also if she really was thinking of him as a potential husband would she have "headed to a nearby office block to have sex" only a few minutes after meeting him?
  18. So Inception is either absolutely great or completely awful. I'm looking forward to seeing it myself to decide. Not out here yet though
  19. Surely James could find a premiership team to take him and pay him as much as celtic would. Great keeper and would be a great signing for Celtic but I'd still be a little surprised to see it happen.
  20. Watched "The Departed" last night. I enjoyed it a lot, great acting by an excellent cast and a very interesting plot. I was a bit disappointed by the ending though. 7.5/10
  21. Hendrie signing would be a nice suprise. I hadn't heard of him in years until this news. I've always been a big Joe Cole fan, but going to Liverpool is one way of that changing quickly. Still it would be nice to see him have an injury free season. This will always be a favourite moment of mine Does look like Fabregas will stay at Arsenal, which is great news for them. I think they could have a real chance this year if Wenger makes one or two shrewd signings. (Unsurprisingly) I don't feel Barca have acted badly in the transfer dealings, it's always looked like they've acted correctly but been open about where things stand to the press. Which I don't have a problem with really. When the press are asking so many questions it's surely easier just to give a straight answer.
  22. It's not out here yet, but I'm very interested in this. I haven't seen a single negative review yet.
  23. He's done this a few times already this year.
  24. All the media attention and pestering the first openly gay footballer would get would probably be worse than any treatment they'd get from fans (at least I hope it would be).
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