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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. How do you get even more excited about the world cup? You watch this video. Greatest commentary. It's worth reposting this great article about that goal. http://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2014/apr/15/world-cup-stunning-moments-dennis-bergkamp-wonder-goal
  2. Poor Chris has nobody to play with in his group.
  3. It's funny how the Suarez incident divided opinion. Some people were outraged while others took Skacel's point of view. I'm not sure it would have been the same if it had been a blatant dive which made the difference.
  4. Still still cheated. The incident provides a good case for introducing the option of a penalty goal. This wasn't a foul which removed a goal scoring opportunity, it prevented a certain goal. Of course Gyan could have scored the penalty but it's hard not to feel sorry for Ghana. Penalties are missed most when the pressure is highest and Uruguay benefited from that and Suarez' cheating. I'd be surprised to see them match the 2010 performance though, that was their chance.
  5. It rained today. Took me by surprise. It feels like it hasn't rained in a couple of months. It would be a shame if it's cold for the second year in a row. It was 30 degrees just a week or so ago for crying out loud. I will definitely complain if we get bad weather.
  6. He is coming across as pure batshit mental. He tried to distance himself from the agent's comments about half an hour before backing them up. He's not 8, it's only a fucking birthday.
  7. That's true but if he still has it in him I think he's most likely to perform well for his country. He always came across as very proud to play for them and cares a lot about it. Dives less for country than club too.
  8. It's a shame the Ivory Coast have finally got a reasonable group once their team is on the decline. I'd absolutely love to see Drogba put in some final world class performances.
  9. Got 55 mins to spare? Watch this. http://youtu.be/A4UT_kEGZH8 Very well put together video and doesn't waste time with loads of replays.
  10. There's an official fifa one which I remember being good. http://en.mcdonalds.fantasy.fifa.com/
  11. Except that lot who are going to get knocked out in the first round by England!
  12. I don't have any faith in Holland either, plus I think the South American sides will do well in general as they'll be more used to the heat and humidity etc.
  13. Brazil - Chile Mexico - Spain Columbia - England Ivory Coast - Italy France - Bosnia Ecuador - Argentina Germany - Korea Portugal - Belgium
  14. Klopp would be acceptable if he was the Germany coach.
  15. Why do you think they are a bullshit club? I've never really had a problem with them, in fact I probably like them more than most of the teams outside of Aberdeen. The championship would obviously be incredibly interesting with them down there but I'd rather keep them in the top league. Plus Hamilton are shit and seeing the dons lose away to them was one of my worst ever days as a football fan. I swear it takes 5 days to drive to Hamilton.
  16. I couldn't stand it if Hamilton get back in the top league.
  17. Am I the only person who doesn't want Hibs to go down?
  18. I hope Holland are better than they were in the last world cup. Bring the 98 team back.
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