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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I have no reason why but for a long time I kept convincing myself and telling others that Juan Pablo Angel would come good and be a great player in the premiership As for presidents / directors getting involved in transfers I think it's just a case of the different ways that football clubs are traditionally run in Britain and the rest of Europe. In Spain / Italy the president has always had the major say in which players are signed and for how much money so it's natural they talk about signings more than their British equivalents.
  2. I think in the majority of big name transfers these days it is the press rather than the clubs which cause most of the problems. And to some extent the players too. The players really have the power. Ronaldo didn't move to Madrid because United were bullied into it, he moved when he wanted to move, he didn't move the year before because he didn't want to at that time. It's the same with Fabregas, he's moving when he wants to move. He never helped stop the speculation. You right he did say he was happy at Arsenal, but then he immedietly said that he couldn't say no if Guardiola asked him personally. Interesting to see what happens with Ibra now. I know he's not the most popular player but he has fantastic ability and I think a summer of sitting at home wishing he was at the world cup will leave him rested and very eager to prove himself at the start of next season.
  3. Woah, take it easy. I'm just saying that's how many Barca fans feel. There never been a suggestion that he was stolen by Arsenal or anything, it's just that the fans want to see a world class catalan player who was developed through their youth system (until he moved) playing for Barca. He went to his first match at Camp Nou when he was 9 months old, I don't think there's anything wrong with people saying Barcelona is his "home team". Nobody at Barcelona has ever said (correct me if I am wrong) that Cesc would definitely sign for them this season. And there is no evidence of the player being contacted directly to negotiate any deal. I'm not really sure there is any reason to say Barcelona have behaved wrongly or irresponsibly in regards to Fabregas. Then again Madrids behaviour regarding Ronaldo was completely blown out of proportion by UTD and the British media too. I don't see what is wrong with a club publicly saying they would like to sign a player.
  4. Barca (maybe not Pep, but some of the directors) have pretty much made it an open intention for a while now that they want Fabregas back. Many of the fans at least seem to feel that Barca is his home and it is where he should be playing. Every paper here is filling pages daily with stories about Villa and Fabregas and it has been a fairly consistent story throughout the season. The press seems pretty sure both signings will happen. I'm not sure but I think Fabregas going to Arsenal had more to do with him wanting to leave to get opportunities to play rather than him being let go. How he would fit into the team is another question (one that i haven't actually seen addressed in any of the papers here). As a three Fabregas, Xavi and Iniesta is lacking the defensive midfielder that is probably needed against the best teams. Guardiola appears to be grooming Busquets for that role (let's hope he gets him to stop being a diving play-acting git)
  5. there are bad episodes of the wire?? ?(
  6. I've finally got around to watching the Sopranos in the last couple of months, I'm up to season 4 now. Fantastic stuff. I'm really looking forward to seeing this later in the year, YouTube - Boardwalk Empire (Scorsese, HBO) - Trailer HBO really is streets ahead of the rest in producing top quality TV.
  7. I think all the episode since I said this have been pretty fantastic The weeping angels two-parter and the last episode were really great and I liked the vampires in venice episode too. and the start of the vampires episode with the Doctor jumping out of the birthday cake was hilarious!
  8. Pretty great football weekend for me, Chelsea won the cup and Barca wrapped up the league And I got to have a lot of fun celebrating last night too :]
  9. My normal favourites are Italy and then Argentina but I'll be going for Spain this time since I live here now. I like seeing Holland do well. On the other hand I enjoy seeing France, Germany, England and Brazil lose. Although actually I look kinder on Germany since Klinsmann reinvigorated them in '06. And I think Cardiff will do much better in the premiership than Blackpool if they go up. Probably get relegated but no Derby horror show.
  10. I think Torres would go anywhere in England for more money and a better team. He's said he would only go to back to Spain if it was to Barcelona, but Barca have their sights set on Villa.
  11. Anyone here a fan of this guy? I've read quite a lot of good things so I listened to his new album on Spotify and I was blown away, it's bloody great. Here's a live video of the single
  12. It is growing on me with every listen, but at the moment I would still rank this behind Alligator and The Boxer.
  13. Chelsea wrapped up the title nicely today Could be a good day next weekend if Chelsea win the cup and Barca take la liga in the same day. Help make up for this dismal season for the dons which I would like to completley forget about.
  14. Only 4 and a bit months into the year and there has already been a high number of wonderful albums released (or leaked). My top favourites of the year so far are: The Black Keys - Brothers Jamie Lidell - Compass Pantha Du Prince - Black Noise Gorrilaz - Plastic Beach but I'm also very much enjoying the new albums by The National, Broken Social Scene, Spoon, LCD Soundsystem, MGMT, Flying Lotus, Caribou, Liars, Crystal Castles, And with albums still to come from Panda Bear, Battles and M.I.A this could easily end up being my favourite year for music in some time.
  15. I wasn't able to watch the final as I couldn't find a decent stream online, however it sounds like I might have been spared a horrific ordeal. Have there been any classic matches this year? I don't think I've heard of any. I did however see a picture of Robbo's mum
  16. Personally I don't really rate Carrick as good enough for the top level, I wouldn't have him in the team if I was Capello. I am a hargreaves fan but he's too big of a gamble after the long term injury. King has worked well as a holding midfielder for them before and there will be just about enough days rest between matches for him. Heskey's continued presence in the England team is completely bizarre. Zamora this season has done for Fulham this season what Heskey's fan(s?) claim he can do for England, Bent has scored over 20 premiership goals for an average to poor Sunderland side, Crouchy unlike Heskey does do the business when called upon for England and Defoe.....well he's better than Heskey!!! Defence should be England's strongest area but Ferdinand and Terry are either not playing or playing like chumps and Capello appears too scared to use the alternatives in good form. Ashley Cole however is the best left back in the world (and yes yes I know he's a cock) David James can be ridiculous but he is also capable of stringing 7 fantastic performances in a row together. Anyway I don't know why I am putting so much thought into England tactics, I can't wait for them to be knocked out so I can enjoy the tournament nerve free. Spain and Brazil like others have said are the clear favourites for me. I think Spain have the best squad but the fact that Torres, Iniesta and Fabregas are all injured just now and Xavi is also a doubt must be a big worry for them. Argentina have the squad to match those two but have the disadvantage of coach Diego.
  17. HaHa Thank you Steven Gerrard, great assist!!!
  18. Allardyce will always be an idiot. Sam Allardyce: 39th game 'absolute must' for Premier League - Barclays Premier League - ESPN Soccernet
  19. Decent series so far but no really great episodes. Matt Smith has been absolutely fantastic though.
  20. You don't Puyol??? Why? I think he's great, gives his all in every match. Busquets and Alves are the only ones I dislike really. In general I think that Barca players are less guilty of diving and other negative behaviour than other highly paid players. Putting the sprinklers on was pretty stupid though. Hopefully Barca can go on to win the league. Btw, living in Barcelona is my excuse for supporting the team. Anyway, I'm looking forward to what should be two great European finals.
  21. Never a hand ball. Fucking devestated. (I know Barca got some decision their way, but that doesn't make me feel better) Pique is awesome.
  22. I fully support this, he is fantastic.
  23. Fuck, two crap performances by Barca in 4 days could end up costing them both La Liga and the Champions League.
  24. New series from David Simon (creator of the wire) started in the US yesterday. It's based around jazz musicians in New Orleans struggling to get by after Hurricane Katrina. If it is half as good as the wire, it will be some of the best television this year. You can watch the first episode here MEGAVIDEO - I'm watching it
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